
Histories ordered by when they occurred.
Prophecies and epistles ordered by when they were written.

The keystone date for the Holy Scriptures is the destruction of the temple in 586 BC. The date is determined from Babylonian astronomy records on the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. However, that date is technically 586 BC +/- 7 years, within two standard deviations.

Egyptian dates are modified "high" chronology. Egyptian chronology is still a work in progress--by Egyptologists.

Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews
1333 Jud 3:30 Proto-Hebrew for Eighty is very similar to Twenty.
1147 Jud 11:26 300 years since Trans-Jordan conquest.
1120 1 Sam 4:18 Eli was high priest for forty years.
1080 Ant. 6:13:5 Now he governed and presided over the people alone, after the death of Eli the high priest, twelve years, and eighteen years together with Saul the king. And thus we have finished the history of Samuel.
1050 Ant. 6:14:9 Now Saul, when he had reigned eighteen years while Samuel was alive, and after his death two [and twenty], ended his life in this manner.
1050 Ant. 10:8:4 ... Saul, who was their first king, retained the government twenty years ...
1008 1 King 6:1 Temple begun in Solomon's 4th year. 480th year after Exodus.
972 1 King 14:20 Solomon's 40th year.
938 2 Chr 16:1 Scribal error. Text says 36th year instead of 16th year.
889-885 2 Chr 21:11-21:19 Elijah's? letter delivered (possibly from Elisha instead).
780 Pul king of Assyria is Ashur-Dan III.
752 Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria is Tiglath-Pileser III.
694 Job is sometimes dated by linguistic analysis ("drift") with a result near Abraham. The analysis assumes that Job is Judean. If Job was not from Judah, but was from Gad or Reuben, the linguistic drift would be significantly different in time and direction. The date used allows time for Job's friends to match the lineages given. It also assumes: that Job is from Reuben, Gad, or eastern Manasseh; that he is a captive of Assyria; and that he was attacked at a time when his assailants were not allied to or oppressed by Assyria.
604 Jer 25:1. Babylonians apparently start counting with the first partial year of reign.
582 Jer 52:30. Final deportataion. 390 Years of iniquity (cf Ezek 4:4-4:6)
539 Dan 5:30. Persians apparently start counting with the first full year of reign.
515-486 Joel addresses issues that match closest to the issues of the returning exiles.
Individual Psalms are difficult to date. Even when based on a specific event, it may have been modified later for choir use.
1st and 2nd Samuel was probably written by Judeans during Solomon's reign.
1st and 2nd Kings was probably written by Judeans after the fall of Jerusalem.
1st and 2nd Chronicles was probably written by Levites / Priests after Jerusalem was rebuilt.


Genesis		2 Chronicles	Daniel		Matthew		2 Thessalonians
Exodus		Ezra		Hosea		Mark		1 Timothy
Leviticus	Nehemiah	Joel		Luke		2 Timothy
Numbers		Esther		Amos		John		Titus
Deuteronomy	Job		Obadiah		Acts		Philemon
Joshua		Psalms		Jonah		Romans		Hebrews
Judges		Proverbs	Micah		1 Corinthians	James
Ruth		Ecclesiastes	Nahum		2 Corinthians	1 Peter
1 Samuel	Song of Solomon	Habakkuk	Galatians	2 Peter
2 Samuel	Isaiah		Zephaniah	Ephesians	1 John
1 Kings		Jeremiah	Haggai		Philippians	2 John
2 Kings		Lamentations	Zechariah	Colossians	3 John
1 Chronicles	Ezekiel		Malachi		1 Thessalonians	Jude

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