
Mostly Chronological Bible Study by Michael Ratti				
A verse by verse chronology of the Bible,				
providing historical accuracy and readability.				
Dates are within margin of error of published research.				
Chapter and verse are from the English Standard Version.				
]  = end of chapter				
]] = end of book				
nnnn? = educated guess				
?  = wild guess				
Blank year = text occurs between non-blank years.				
Page 1:
  	Genesis 1:1-2:4		The creation of the world
4155 	Genesis 2:5-2:25]	The man and the woman
  	Genesis 3		The fall
  	Genesis 4		Cain and Abel
4025 	Genesis 5		Adam's descendants to Noah
  	Genesis 6:1-6:8		Increasing corruption on Earth
  	Genesis 6:9-6:22]	Noah and the flood
Page 2:
2499 	Genesis 7:1-8:5		The flood begins
2498 	Genesis 8:6-8:19	The flood subsides
  	Genesis 8:20-9:17	God's covenant with Noah
  	Genesis 9:18-9:29]	Noah's descendants
  	Genesis 10		Nations descended from Noah
2398? 	Genesis 11:1-11:9	The tower of Babel
Page 3:
2497 	Genesis 11:10-11:26	Shem's descendants
2207 	Genesis 11:27-11:32]	Terah's descendants
2132 	Genesis 12:1-12:9	The call of Abram
  	Genesis 12:10-12:20]	Abram and Sarai in Egypt
  	Genesis 13		Abram and Lot separate
  	Genesis 14:1-14:16	Abram rescues Lot
  	Genesis 14:17-14:24]	Abram blessed by Melchizedek
  	Genesis 15		God's covenant with Abram
Page 4:
2122 	Genesis 16		Sarai and Hagar
2108 	Genesis 17:1-17:14	Abraham and the covenant of circumcision
2107 	Genesis 17:15-18:21	Isaac's birth promised
2107 	Genesis 18:22-18:33]	Abraham intercedes for Sodom
2107 	Genesis 19:1-19:22	God rescues Lot
2107 	Genesis 19:23-19:29	God destroys Sodom
2107 	Genesis 19:30-19:38]	Lot and his daughters
2107 	Genesis 20		Abraham and Abimelech
Page 5:
2107 	Genesis 21:1-21:7	The birth of Isaac
  	Genesis 21:8-21:21	God protects Hagar and Ishmael
  	Genesis 21:22-21:34]	A treaty with Abimelech
  	Genesis 22		The sacrifice of Isaac
2070 	Genesis 23		Sarah's death and burial
2067 	Genesis 24		Isaac and Rebekah
  	Genesis 25:1-25:6	Abraham's descendants
Page 6:
2047 	Genesis 25:19-25:28	The birth of Esau and Jacob
  	Genesis 25:29-25:34]	Esau sells his birthright
2032 	Genesis 25:7-25:11	Death of Abraham
  	Genesis 26:1-26:5	God's promise to Isaac
  	Genesis 26:6-26:33	Isaac and Abimelech
2007 	Genesis 26:34-26:35]	Esau marries
1984 	Genesis 25:12-25:18	Death of Ishmael
  	Genesis 27		Isaac blesses Jacob
1970 	Genesis 28:1-28:5	Jacob sent to Laban
  	Genesis 28:6-28:9	Esau marries an Ishmaelite
Page 7:
1970 	Genesis 28:10-28:22]	Jacob's dream
1970 	Genesis 29:1-29:20	Jacob serves Laban
1963 	Genesis 29:21-29:30	Jacob marries Leah and Rachel
  	Genesis 29:31-30:24	Jacob's children
1956 	Genesis 30:25-30:43]	Jacob's prosperity
1950 	Genesis 31		Jacob flees from Laban
Page 8:
1950 	Genesis 32:1-32:21	Jacob fears Esau
1950 	Genesis 32:22-32:32]	Jacob wrestles with God
1950 	Genesis 33		Jacob meets Esau
  	Genesis 34		The defiling of Dinah
  	Genesis 35:1-35:15	God blesses and renames Jacob
  	Genesis 35:16-35:27	The death of Rachel
  	Genesis 36		Esau's descendants
Page 9:
1939 	Genesis 37:1-37:11	Joseph's dreams
  	Genesis 37:12-37:36]	Joseph sold by his brothers
  	Genesis 38:1-38:5	Judah turns aside
  	Genesis 38:6-38:30]	Judah and Tamar
  	Genesis 39		Joseph and Potiphar's wife
1928 	Genesis 40		Joseph interprets two prisoner's dreams
1927 	Genesis 35:28-35:29]	The death of Isaac
1926 	Genesis 41:1-41:36	Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams
1926 	Genesis 41:37-41:57]	Joseph rises to power
Page 10:
1918 	Genesis 42		Joseph's brothers go to Egypt
1917 	Genesis 43		Joseph's brothers return to Egypt
1917 	Genesis 44		Joseph tests his brothers
1917 	Genesis 45		Joseph provides for his brothers and family
Page 11:
1917 	Genesis 46:1-46:27	Joseph brings his family to Egypt
1917 	Genesis 46:28-46:34]	Jacob and Joseph reunited
1917 	Genesis 47:1-47:12	Jacob's family settles in Goshen
1916 	Genesis 47:13-47:27	Joseph and the famine
  	Genesis 48		Jacob blesses Ephraim and Manasseh
  	Genesis 47:28-47:31]	Jacob's instructions
  	Genesis 49:1-49:27	Jacob blesses his sons
1900 	Genesis 49:28-50:14	Jacob's death and burial
1900 	Genesis 50:15-50:21	God's good purposes
1846 	Genesis 50:22-50:26]]	The death of Joseph
  	1 Chr 1:1-1:27		Recapitulation: from Adam to Abraham
  	1 Chr 1:28-1:34		Abraham's descendants
  	1 Chr 2:1-2:2		Sons of Israel / Jacob
Page 12:
  	Exodus 1:1-1:7		Israel increases greatly in Egypt
  	Exodus 1:8-1:22]	Pharaoh oppresses Israel
1567 	Exodus 2:1-2:10		The birth of Moses
1527 	Exodus 2:11-2:22	Moses flees to Midian
  	Exodus 2:23-2:25]	God hears Israel's groaning
1487 	Exodus 3		The burning bush
1487 	Exodus 4:1-4:17		Moses given powerful signs
1487 	Exodus 4:18-4:31]	Moses returns to Egypt
1487 	Exodus 5		Making bricks without straw
1487 	Exodus 6:1-6:13		God promises deliverance
1487 	Exodus 6:14-6:30]	Genealogy of Moses and Aaron
Page 13:
1487 	Exodus 7:1-7:13		Moses and Aaron before pharaoh
1487 	Exodus 7:14-7:25]	The first plague: water turned to blood
1487 	Exodus 8:1-8:15		The second plague: frogs
1487 	Exodus 8:16-8:19	The third plague: gnats
1487 	Exodus 8:20-8:32]	The fourth plague: flies
1487 	Exodus 9:1-9:7		The fifth plague: Egyptian livestock die
1487 	Exodus 9:8-9:12		The sixth plague: boils
1487 	Exodus 9:13-9:35]	The seventh plague: hail
1487 	Exodus 10:1-10:20	The eight plague: locusts
1487 	Exodus 10:21-10:29]	The ninth plague: darkness
1487 	Exodus 11		A final plague threatened
1487 	Exodus 12:1-12:28	The Passover
1487 	Exodus 12:29-12:32	The tenth plague: death of the firstborn
1487 	Exodus 12:33-12:42	The Exodus
1487 	Exodus 12:43-12:51]	Institution of Passover
Page 14:
1487 	Exodus 13:1-13:2	Consecration of the firstborn
1487 	Exodus 13:3-13:16	The feast of unleavened bread
1487 	Exodus 13:17-13:22]	Pillars of cloud and fire
1487 	Exodus 14		Crossing the Red Sea
1487 	Exodus 15:1-15:21	Victory song of Moses
1487 	Exodus 15:22-15:27]	Bitter water made sweet
1487 	Exodus 16		Bread from heaven
1487 	Exodus 17:1-17:7	Water from the rock
1487 	Exodus 17:8-17:16]	Israel defeats Amalek
1487 	Exodus 18		Jethro's advice
Page 15:
1487 	Exodus 19		Israel at Mount Sinai
1487 	Exodus 20:1-20:17	The ten commandments
  	Deut 5:4-5:22		The ten commandments
  	Deut 5:23-5:27		The people react
1487 	Exodus 20:18-20:21	The people react
  	Deut 5:28-5:33]		The Lord responds
1487 	Exodus 20:22-20:26]	Laws about altars
1487 	Exodus 21:1-21:11	Laws about slaves
1487 	Exodus 21:12-22:31]	More laws
Page 16:
1487 	Exodus 23:1-23:9	Laws about justice
1487 	Exodus 23:10-23:19	Laws about festivals
1487 	Exodus 23:20-23:33]	Conquest of Canaan promised
1487 	Exodus 24:1-24:8	Covenant and laws confirmed
1487 	Exodus 24:9-24:14	Israel's leaders meet with God
1487 	Exodus 24:15-24:18]	Moses and Joshua: 40 days and nights with God
1487 	Exodus 25:1-25:9	Contributions for the sanctuary
1487 	Exodus 25:10-25:22	The ark of the covenant
1487 	Exodus 25:23-25:30	The table for bread
1487 	Exodus 25:31-25:40]	The golden lampstand
1487 	Exodus 26		The tabernacle
1487 	Exodus 27:1-27:8	The bronze altar
1487 	Exodus 27:9-27:19	The court of the tabernacle
Page 17:
1487 	Exodus 27:20-27:21]	Oil for the lamp
1487 	Exodus 28		The priests garments
1487 	Exodus 29		Consecration of the priests
1487 	Exodus 30:1-30:10	The altar of incense
1487 	Exodus 30:11-30:16	The census tax
1487 	Exodus 30:17-30:21	The bronze basin
1487 	Exodus 30:22-30:38]	The anointing oil and incense
1487 	Exodus 31:1-31:11	Oholiab and Bezalel
1487 	Exodus 31:12-31:18]	The sabbath
Page 18:
1487 	Exodus 32:1-32:6	The golden calf
  	Deut 9:9-9:11		Moses receives the tablets
  	Deut 9:12-9:14		Moses sent down
1487 	Exodus 32:7-32:10	Moses sent down
1487 	Exodus 32:11-32:14	Moses intercedes
1487 	Exodus 32:15-32:19	Moses returns
  	Deut 9:15-9:17		Moses returns
1487 	Exodus 32:21-32:30	Moses confronts Aaron and Israel
1487 	Exodus 32:31-32:32	Moses prays for Aaron and Israel
  	Deut 9:18-9:20		Moses prays for Aaron and Israel
1487 	Exodus 32:33-32:35]	The Lord answers Moses
1487 	Exodus 32:20		Moses destroys the golden calf
  	Deut 9:21		Moses destroys the golden calf
1487 	Exodus 33:1-33:6	Israel asked to leave Sinai
1487 	Exodus 33:7-33:11	The tent of meeting
1487 	Exodus 33:12-33:23]	The glory of God
  	Deut 10:1-10:3		New tablets of stone
1487 	Exodus 34:1-34:9	New tablets of stone
1487 	Exodus 34:10-34:28	The covenant renewed
  	Deut 10:10		The covenant renewed
  	Deut 10:8-10:9		
  	Deut 10:4		
  	Deut 10:11		
  	Deut 10:5		
1487 	Exodus 34:29-34:35]	Shining face of Moses
1487 	Exodus 35:1-35:3	Sabbath regulations
1487 	Exodus 35:4-35:29	Contributions for the tabernacle
  	Exodus 35:30-36:38]	Construction of the tabernacle
Page 19:
  	Exodus 37:1-37:9	Making the ark
  	Exodus 37:10-37:16	Making the table
  	Exodus 37:17-37:24	Making the lampstand
  	Exodus 37:25-37:29]	Making the altar of incense
  	Exodus 38:1-38:7	Making the altar of burnt offering
  	Exodus 38:8		Making the bronze basin
  	Exodus 38:9-38:20	Making the court
  	Exodus 38:21-38:31]	Materials for the tabernacle
  	Exodus 39:1-39:31	Making the priestly garments
  	Exodus 39:32-39:43]	Completion of the work
1486 	Exodus 40:1-40:33	The tabernacle erected
1486 	Exodus 40:34-40:38]]	The glory of the Lord
Page 20:
1486 	Leviticus 1		Laws for burnt offerings
1486 	Leviticus 2		Laws for grain offerings
1486 	Leviticus 3		Laws for peace offerings
1486 	Leviticus 4:1-5:13	Laws for sin offerings
1486 	Leviticus 5:14-6:7	Laws for guilt (trespass) offerings
1486 	Leviticus 6:8-7:38]	Priests and offerings
Page 21:
1486 	Leviticus 8		Consecration of Aaron and his sons
1486 	Leviticus 9		The Lord accepts Aaron's offerings
1486 	Leviticus 10		Death of Nadab and Abihu
1486 	Leviticus 11		Clean and unclean animals
1486 	Leviticus 12		Purification after childbirth
Page 22:
1486 	Leviticus 13		Laws about leprosy
1486 	Leviticus 14:1-14:32	Laws for cleansing lepers
1486 	Leviticus 14:33-14:57]	Laws for cleaning houses
1486 	Leviticus 15		Laws about bodily discharges
1486 	Leviticus 16		The day of atonement
Page 23:
1486 	Leviticus 17:1-17:9	The place of sacrifice
1486 	Leviticus 17:10-17:16]	Laws against eating blood
1486 	Leviticus 18		Unlawful sexual relations
1486 	Leviticus 19:1-19:8	The Lord is holy
1486 	Leviticus 19:9-19:18	Love your neighbor as yourself
1486 	Leviticus 19:19-19:37]	You shall keep my statutes
1486 	Leviticus 20:1-20:9	Child sacrifice, necromancy, curses
1486 	Leviticus 20:10-20:21	Sexual immorality
1486 	Leviticus 20:22-20:27]	You shall be holy
1486 	Leviticus 21:1-22:16	Holiness and the priests
1486 	Leviticus 22:17-22:33]	Acceptable offerings
1486 	Leviticus 23:1-23:2	Feasts of the Lord
1486 	Leviticus 23:3		The sabbath
1486 	Leviticus 23:4-23:8	The passover
1486 	Leviticus 23:9-23:14	Feast of firstfruits
1486 	Leviticus 23:15-23:22	Feast of weeks
1486 	Leviticus 23:23-23:25	Feast of trumpets
1486 	Leviticus 23:26-23:32	Day of atonement
1486 	Leviticus 23:33-23:44]	Feast of booths
Page 24:
1486 	Leviticus 24:1-24:4	The lamps
1486 	Leviticus 24:5-24:9	Bread for the tabernacle
1486 	Leviticus 24:10-24:16	Punishment for blasphemy
1486 	Leviticus 24:17-24:23]	An eye for an eye
1486 	Leviticus 25:1-25:7	Sabbath year
1486 	Leviticus 25:8-25:22	The year of jubilee
1486 	Leviticus 25:23-25:34	Redemption of property
1486 	Leviticus 25:35-25:46	Kindness for poor brothers
1486 	Leviticus 25:47-25:55]	Redeeming a poor man
1486 	Leviticus 26:1-26:13	Blessings for obedience
1486 	Leviticus 26:14-26:46]	Punishment for disobedience
1486 	Leviticus 27]]		Laws about vows
Page 25:
1486 	Numbers 1:1-1:46	Census of Israel's warriors
1486 	Numbers 1:47-1:54]	Levites exempted
1486 	Numbers 2		Arrangement of camp
1486 	Numbers 3:1-3:4		Sons of Aaron
1486 	Numbers 3:5-3:39	Duties of Levites
1486 	Numbers 3:40-3:51]	Redemption of firstborn
1486 	Numbers 4		Duties of Kohathites
Page 26:
1486 	Numbers 5:1-5:4		Unclean people
1486 	Numbers 5:5-5:10	Confession and restitution 
1486 	Numbers 5:11-5:31]	Test for adultery
1486 	Numbers 6:1-6:21	Nazirite vow
1486 	Numbers 6:22-6:27]	Aaron's blessing
1486 	Numbers 7:1-7:88	Offerings at the tabernacle's consecration
1486 	Numbers 7:89]		The mercy seat
Page 27:
1486 	Numbers 8:1-8:4		The seven lamps
1486 	Numbers 8:5-8:22	Cleansing of Levites
1486 	Numbers 8:23-8:26]	Retirement of Levites
1486 	Numbers 9:1-9:14	Passover celebrated
1486 	Numbers 9:15-9:23]	The cloud covering the tabernacle
1486 	Numbers 10:1-10:10	The silver trumpets
  	Deut 1:6-1:8		The command to enter the land
1486 	Numbers 10:11-10:36]	Israel leaves Sinai
1486 	Numbers 11:1-11:15	The people complain
1486 	Numbers 11:16-11:23	Elders appointed to aid Moses
  	Deut 1:9-1:18		Elders appointed to aid Moses
1486 	Numbers 11:24-11:30	Elders prophesying
1486 	Numbers 11:31-11:35]	Quail and the plague
1486 	Numbers 12		Miriam and Aaron oppose Moses
Page 28:
  	Deut 1:19-1:22		Israel travels to Kadesh-barnea
  	Numbers 13:1-13:16	Spies sent into Canaan
  	Deut 1:23		
1486 	Numbers 13:17-13:24	
  	Deut 1:24-1:25		
1486 	Numbers 13:25-13:33]	Report of the spies
  	Deut 1:26-1:33		Israel's refusal to enter the land
  	Deut 9:22-9:24		Other rebellions
1486 	Numbers 14:1-14:12	The people rebel
  	Deut 9:25-9:29]		Moses intercedes for the people
1486 	Numbers 14:13-14:19	Moses intercedes for the people
1486 	Numbers 14:20-14:38	God promises punishment
  	Deut 1:34-1:40		God promises punishment
1486 	Numbers 14:39-14:45]	Israel defeated in battle
  	Deut 1:41-2:1		Israel defeated in battle
  	Numbers 15:1-15:21	Laws about sacrifices
  	Numbers 15:22-15:31	Laws about unintentional sins
  	Numbers 15:32-15:36	A sabbathbreaker executed
  	Numbers 15:37-15:41]	Tassels on garments
Page 29:
  	Numbers 16:1-16:35	Korah's rebellion
  	Numbers 16:36-16:40	Bronze censers
  	Numbers 16:41-16:50]	The next day
  	Numbers 17		Aaron's staff buds
  	Numbers 18		Duties of priests and Levites
  	Numbers 19		Laws for purification
  	Deut 2:2-2:7		Israel ordered north
1448 	Numbers 20:1		Death of Miriam
1448 	Numbers 20:2-20:9	Waters of Meribah
1448 	Numbers 20:10-20:13	Moses strikes the rock
  	1 Chr 1:35-1:37		Sons of Esau
  	1 Chr 1:38-1:54]	Sons of Esau intermarry, displace sons of Seir
1448 	Numbers 20:14-20:21	Edom refuses passage
1448 	Numbers 20:22-20:29]	Aaron dies
  	Deut 10:6-10:7		Aaron dies
1448 	Numbers 21:1-21:3	Arad destroyed
1448 	Numbers 21:4-21:9	The bronze serpent
Page 30:
  	Deut 2:8-2:25		Current nations dispossessed prior nations
1448 	Numbers 21:10-21:20	The song of the well
1448 	Numbers 21:21-21:31	King Sihon defeated
  	Deut 2:26-2:37]		King Sihon defeated
1448 	Numbers 21:32-21:35]	King Og defeated
  	Deut 3:1-3:11		King Og defeated
1448 	Numbers 22:1-22:21	Balak summons Balaam
1448 	Numbers 22:22-22:41]	Balaam's donkey and the angel
1448 	Numbers 23:1-23:12	Balaam's first oracle
1448 	Numbers 23:13-23:30]	Balaam's second oracle
1448 	Numbers 24:1-24:14	Balaam's third oracle
1448 	Numbers 24:15-24:25]	Balaam's final oracle
Page 31:
1448 	Numbers 25:1-25:9	Baal worship at Peor
1448 	Numbers 25:10-25:18]	Zeal of Phineas
1448 	Numbers 26		Census of the new generation
1448 	Numbers 27:1-27:11	Daughters of Zelophehad
1448 	Numbers 27:12-27:23]	Joshua to succeed Moses
1448 	Numbers 28:1-28:8	Daily offerings
1448 	Numbers 28:9-28:10	Sabbath offerings
1448 	Numbers 28:11-28:15	Monthly offerings
1448 	Numbers 28:16-28:25	Passover offerings
1448 	Numbers 28:26-28:31]	Firstfruits and feast of weeks offerings
1448 	Numbers 29:1-29:6	Feast of trumpets offerings
1448 	Numbers 29:7-29:11	Day of atonement offerings
1448 	Numbers 29:12-29:40]	Feast of booths offerings
Page 32:
1448 	Numbers 30:1-30:2	Men and vows
1448 	Numbers 30:3-30:16]	Women and vows
1448 	Numbers 31		Vengeance on Midian
1448 	Numbers 32		Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh settle in Gilead
  	Deut 3:12-3:17		Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh settle in Gilead
  	Deut 3:18-3:22		Command to all Israelites to fight
  	Deut 3:23-3:29]		Moses forbidden to enter the land
Page 33:
  	Numbers 33:1-33:15	Recounting Israel's journey
  	Numbers 33:16-33:18	Journey from Sinai
  	Numbers 33:19-33:56]	Wanderings
1448 	Joshua 12:1-12:6	Kings defeated by Moses
1448 	Numbers 34:1-34:15	Boundaries of the land
1448 	Numbers 34:16-34:29]	List of tribal chiefs
1448 	Numbers 35:1-35:8	Cities for Levites
1448 	Numbers 35:9-35:34]	Cities of refuge
1448 	Numbers 36]]		Marriage of female heirs
Page 34:
1447 	Deut 1:1-1:5		Introduction
1447 	Deut 4:1-4:14		Moses commands obedience
1447 	Deut 4:15-4:31		Idolatry forbidden
1447 	Deut 4:32-4:40		The Lord alone is God
1447 	Deut 4:41-4:43		Cities of refuge
1447 	Deut 4:44-5:3		Summary
1447 	Deut 6			The greatest commandment
1447 	Deut 7			A chosen people
1447 	Deut 8			Remember the Lord your God
1447 	Deut 9:1-9:8		Not because of your righteousness
Page 35:
1447 	Deut 10:12-10:22]	Circumcise your heart
1447 	Deut 11			Love and serve the Lord
1447 	Deut 12:1-12:28		The Lord's chosen place of worship
1447 	Deut 12:29-14:2		Warning against idolatry
1447 	Deut 14:3-14:21		Clean and unclean food
1447 	Deut 14:22-14:29]	Tithes
1447 	Deut 15:1-15:18		The sabbatical year
1447 	Deut 15:19-15:23]	Firstborn males
1447 	Deut 16:1-16:8		Passover
1447 	Deut 16:9-16:12		Feast of weeks
1447 	Deut 16:13-16:17	Feast of booths
1447 	Deut 16:18-16:20	Justice
Page 36:
1447 	Deut 16:21-17:7		Forbidden forms of worship
1447 	Deut 17:8-17:13		Legal decisions by priests and judges
1447 	Deut 17:14-17:20]	Laws concerning Israel's kings
1447 	Deut 18:1-18:8		Provision for priests and Levites
1447 	Deut 18:9-18:14		Abominable practices
1447 	Deut 18:15-18:22]	A new prophet like Moses
1447 	Deut 19:1-19:13		Laws concerning cities of refuge
1447 	Deut 19:14		Property boundaries
1447 	Deut 19:15-19:21]	Laws concerning witnesses
1447 	Deut 20			Laws concerning warfare
1447 	Deut 21:1-21:9		Atonement for unsolved murders
1447 	Deut 21:10-21:14	Marrying female captives
1447 	Deut 21:15-21:17	Inheritance rights of firstborn son
1447 	Deut 21:18-21:21	A rebellious son
1447 	Deut 21:22-21:23]	A man hanged on a tree is cursed
1447 	Deut 22:1-22:12		Various laws
1447 	Deut 22:13-22:30]	Laws concerning sexual immorality
1447 	Deut 23:1-23:8		Those excluded from the assembly
1447 	Deut 23:9-23:14		Uncleanness in the camp
Page 37:
1447 	Deut 23:15-23:25]	Miscellaneous laws
1447 	Deut 24:1-24:4		Laws concerning divorce
1447 	Deut 24:5-25:4		Miscellaneous laws
1447 	Deut 25:5-25:10		Laws concerning levirate marriage
1447 	Deut 25:11-25:19]	Miscellaneous laws
1447 	Deut 26			Offerings of firstfruits and tithes
1447 	Deut 27:1-27:8		Altar on Mount Ebal
1447 	Deut 27:9-27:26]	Curses from Mount Ebal
1447 	Deut 28:1-28:14		Blessings for obedience
1447 	Deut 28:15-28:68]	Curses for disobedience
Page 38:
1447 	Deut 29			Covenant renewed in Moab
1447 	Deut 30:1-30:10		Repentance and forgiveness
1447 	Deut 30:11-30:20]	Choice of life and death
1447 	Deut 31:1-31:8		Joshua to succeed Moses
1447 	Deut 31:9-31:13		Reading of the law
1447 	Deut 31:14-31:29	Joshua commissioned to lead Israel
1447 	Deut 31:30-32:47	Final song of Moses
1447 	Deut 32:48-32:52]	Moses' death foretold
1447 	Deut 33			Moses' final blessing on Israel
1447 	Deut 34			Death of Moses
Page 39:
1447 	Joshua 1:1-1:9		God encourages Joshua
1447 	Joshua 2		Rahab hides the spies
1447 	Joshua 1:10-1:18]	Joshua assumes command
1447 	Joshua 3		Israel crosses the Jordan
1447 	Joshua 4		Twelve memorial stones from the Jordan
1447 	Joshua 5:1-5:9		The new generation circumcised
1447 	Joshua 5:10-5:12	First passover in Canaan
1447 	Joshua 5:13-5:15]	The commander of the Lord's army
1447 	Joshua 6		The fall of Jericho
1447 	Joshua 7:1-7:9		Israel defeated at Ai
1447 	Joshua 7:10-7:26]	The sin of Achan
Page 40:
1447 	Joshua 8:1-8:29		The fall of Ai
1447 	Joshua 8:30-8:35]	Joshua renews the covenant
1447 	Joshua 9		The Gibeonite deception
1447 	Joshua 10:1-10:15	The sun stands still
1447 	Joshua 10:16-10:28	Five Amorite kings executed
  	Joshua 10:29-10:43]	Conquest of southern Canaan
  	Joshua 11:1-11:15	Conquest of northern Canaan
  	Joshua 13:8-13:33]	The inheritance east of the Jordan
  	Joshua 13:1-13:7	Land still to be conquered
Page 41:
  	Joshua 14:1-14:5	The inheritance west of the Jordan
1441 	Joshua 14:6-14:14	Caleb's request and inheritance
1441 	Joshua 15:1-15:12	The allotment for Judah
1441 	Joshua 15:20-15:63]	Cities allotted to Judah
1441 	Joshua 16:1-16:4	Ephraim and Manasseh
1441 	Joshua 16:5-16:10]	The allotment for Ephraim
1441 	Joshua 17:1-17:13	The allotment for Manasseh
  	Joshua 17:14-17:18]	The people of Joseph complain
  	Joshua 18:1-18:10	Allotment of the remaining land
  	Joshua 18:11-18:28]	The inheritance for Benjamin
  	Joshua 19:1-19:9	The inheritance for Simeon
  	Joshua 19:10-19:16	The inheritance for Zebulun
  	Joshua 19:17-19:23	The inheritance for Issachar
  	Joshua 19:24-19:31	The inheritance for Asher
  	Joshua 19:32-19:39	The inheritance for Naphtali
  	Joshua 19:40-19:46	The inheritance for Dan
  	Joshua 19:48		Dan, conclusion
  	Joshua 19:49-19:51]	The inheritance for Joshua
Page 42:
  	Joshua 20		Cities of refuge
  	Joshua 21:1-21:42	Cities and pasturelands allotted to Levi
  	Joshua 21:43-21:45]	Allotment, conclusion
  	Joshua 22:1-22:9	The eastern tribes return home
  	Joshua 22:10-22:34]	The eastern tribes' altar of witness
  	Joshua 11:16-11:23]	Summary of conquest
  	Joshua 12:7-12:24]	Kings defeated by Joshua
  	Joshua 14:15]		Kiriath-arba/Hebron
  	Joshua 23		Joshua's charge to Israel's leaders
  	Joshua 24:1-24:13	The covenant renewal at Shechem
  	Joshua 24:14-24:28	Choose whom you will serve
  	Judges 2:6		Joshua dismisses the people
1417 	Joshua 24:29-24:30	Joshua's death and burial
1417 	Judges 2:8-2:9		Joshua's death and burial
Page 43:
1417 	Judges 1:1-1:9		Continuing conquest of Canaan
  	Joshua 15:13-15:19	Hebron and Debir captured
  	Judges 1:10-1:15	Hebron and Debir captured
  	Judges 1:16-1:21	Kenites, Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin
  	Judges 1:22-1:29	Manasseh and Ephraim
  	Judges 1:30-1:33	Zebulun, Asher, and Naphtali
  	Judges 2:7		Joshua, conclusion
  	Joshua 24:31-24:33]]	Joshua, conclusion
  	Judges 2:10		Joshua, conclusion
  	Judges 1:34-1:36]	The failure of Dan
  	Judges 2:1-2:5		Israel's disobedience
  	Judges 17		Micah and the Levite
  	Judges 18		Danites take the Levite and the idol
  	Joshua 19:47		Dan captures Leshem/Laish
  	Judges 19:1-19:21	A Levite and his concubine
  	Judges 19:22-19:30]	Gibeah's crime
  	Judges 20		Israel's war with the tribe of Benjamin
  	Judges 21		Wives provided for the tribe of Benjamin
  	Judges 2:11-2:15	Israel's unfaithfulness
  	Judges 2:16-3:6		The Lord raises up judges
Page 44:
1396 	Judges 3:7-3:8		Mesopotamia oppresses Israel.  Ruth
1389 	Judges 3:9-3:11		Othniel
1350 	Judges 3:12-3:14	Moabites oppress Israel
1333 	Judges 3:15-3:30	Ehud
1313 	Judges 3:31]		Shamgar
? 	Ruth			
Page 45:
1312 	Judges 4:1-4:3		Canaanites oppress Israel
1293 	Judges 4:4-4:24]	Deborah and Barak
1293 	Judges 5		The song of Deborah and Barak
1254 	Judges 6:1-6:10		Midian oppresses Israel
1248 	Judges 6:11-6:27	The call of Gideon
1248 	Judges 6:28-6:35	Gideon destroys the altar of Baal
1248 	Judges 6:36-6:40]	The sign of the fleece
1248 	Judges 7:1-7:18		Gideon's three hundred men
1248 	Judges 7:19-7:23	Gideon defeats Midian
1248 	Judges 7:24-8:3		Gideon requests help
1248 	Judges 8:4-8:21		Gideon defeats Zebah and Zalmunna
  	Judges 8:22-8:28	Gideon's ephod
  	Judges 8:29-8:35]	Death of Gideon
Page 46:
1209 	Judges 9:1-9:21		Abimelech's conspiracy
1207 	Judges 9:22-9:57]	Downfall of Abimelech
1207 	Judges 10:1-10:2	Tola
1185 	Judges 10:3-10:5	Jair
1164 	Judges 10:6-10:9	Ammonites oppress Israel
  	Judges 10:10-10:16	Israel repents
1147 	Judges 10:17-11:11	Jephthah is recruited
1147 	Judges 11:12-11:28	Jephthah negotiates
1147 	Judges 11:29-11:40]	Jephthah's tragic vow
1147 	Judges 12:1-12:7	Jephthah's conflict with Ephraim
1142 	Judges 12:8-12:10	Ibzan
1136 	Judges 12:11-12:12	Elon
1127 	Judges 12:13-12:15]	Abdon
Page 47:
1120 	Judges 13:1		Philistines oppress Israel
  	Judges 13:2-13:25]	Birth of Samson
  	1 Chr 6:16-6:30		Sons of Levi
  	1 Chr 6:49-6:81]	Cities allotted to Levi's descendants
  	1 Samuel 1:1-1:20	Conception of Samuel
  	1 Samuel 1:21-1:28]	Samuel given to the Lord
  	1 Samuel 2:1-2:11	Hannah's prayer
  	1 Samuel 2:12-2:21	Eli's worthless sons
  	1 Samuel 2:22-2:26	Eli rebukes his sons
  	1 Samuel 2:27-2:36]	The Lord rejects Eli's household
  	1 Samuel 3		The Lord calls Samuel
Page 48:
  	Judges 14		Samson's Marriage
  	Judges 15		Samson defeats the Philistines
  	Judges 16:1-16:22	Samson and Delilah
1081 	Judges 16:23-16:31]	The death of Samson
1081 	1 Samuel 4:1-4:11	The Philistines capture the Ark
1081 	1 Samuel 4:12-4:22]	The death of Eli
1080 	1 Samuel 5		The Philistines and the Ark
1080 	1 Samuel 6:1-7:2	The Ark returned to Israel
1080 	1 Samuel 7:3-7:17]	Samuel judges Israel
  	1 Samuel 8:1-8:9	Israel demands a king
  	1 Samuel 8:10-8:18	Samuel's warning against kings
  	1 Samuel 8:19-8:22]	The Lord grants Israel's request
Page 49:
1069 	1 Samuel 9		Saul chosen to be king
1069 	1 Samuel 10:1-10:16	Saul anointed king
1069 	1 Samuel 10:17-10:27]	Saul proclaimed king
1069 	1 Samuel 11:1-11:11	Saul defeats Ammonites
1069 	1 Samuel 11:12-11:15]	The kingdom is renewed
1069 	1 Samuel 12		Samuel's farewell address
1069 	1 Samuel 13:1-13:7	Saul fights the Philistines
1069 	1 Samuel 13:8-13:23]	Saul's unlawful sacrifice
1069 	1 Samuel 14:1-14:23	Jonathan defeats the Philistines
1069 	1 Samuel 14:24-14:46	Saul's rash vow
  	1 Samuel 14:47-14:52]	Saul fights Israel's enemies
Page 50:
  	1 Samuel 15		The Lord rejects Saul
  	1 Chr 2:3-2:4		Judah's descendants
  	1 Chr 4:21-4:23		Shelah, son of Judah
  	1 Chr 2:6-2:8		Zerah, son of Judah
  	1 Chr 2:5		Perez, son of Judah
  	1 Chr 2:9		Sons of Hezron
  	1 Chr 2:25-2:27		Descendants of Jerahmeel
  	1 Chr 2:28-2:31		
  	1 Chr 2:34-2:41		
  	1 Chr 2:32-2:33		
  	1 Chr 2:42-2:45		Descendants of Caleb
  	1 Chr 2:46-2:47		
  	1 Chr 2:48-2:50a	
  	1 Chr 2:18-2:20		
  	1 Chr 2:21-2:23		More sons of Hezron
  	1 Chr 2:50b-2:51	Descendants of Hur
  	1 Chr 2:52-2:53		
  	1 Chr 2:54		
  	1 Chr 4:1-4:4		More descendants of Hur
  	1 Chr 2:24		Caleb's son Asshur
  	1 Chr 4:5-4:7		Asshur's children
  	1 Chr 4:8		More clans of Judah
  	1 Chr 4:9-4:10		
  	1 Chr 4:11-4:12		
  	1 Chr 2:55]		
  	1 Chr 4:13-4:14		
  	1 Chr 4:15		
  	1 Chr 4:16-4:20		
  	1 Chr 2:10-2:17		Descendants of Ram (David's lineage)
1060? 	1 Samuel 16:1-16:13	David anointed king
  	1 Samuel 16:14-16:23]	David in Saul's service
Page 51:
  	1 Samuel 17		David and Goliath
  	1 Samuel 18:1-18:5	David and Jonathan's friendship
  	1 Samuel 18:6-18:16	Saul's jealousy of David
  	1 Samuel 18:17-18:30]	David marries Michal
  	1 Samuel 19		Saul tries to kill David
  	1 Samuel 20		Jonathan warns David
Page 52:
  	1 Samuel 21:1-21:9	David and the holy bread
  	1 Samuel 21:10-21:15]	David flees to Gath
  	1 Samuel 22:1-22:5	David at the cave of Adullam
  	1 Samuel 22:6-22:23]	Saul kills the priests at Nob
  	1 Samuel 23:1-23:14	David saves the city of Keilah
  	1 Samuel 23:15-23:29]	Saul pursues David
  	1 Samuel 24		David spares Saul's life
1052 	1 Samuel 25:1		The death of Samuel
1050 	1 Samuel 25:2-25:44]	David and Abigail
1050 	1 Samuel 26		David spares Saul again
Page 53:
1050 	1 Samuel 27		David flees to the Philistines
1050 	1 Chr 12:1-12:18	Men from other tribes join David
1050 	1 Samuel 28:1-28:2	Philistines gather for war
1050 	1 Samuel 29		Philistines reject David
1050 	1 Chr 12:19-12:22	Men from Manasseh join David
1050 	1 Samuel 30:1-30:15	David's wives are captured
1050 	1 Samuel 30:16-30:31]	David defeats the Amalekites
1050 	1 Samuel 28:3-28:25]	Saul and the medium of En-dor
1050 	1 Samuel 31:1-31:7	Saul dies
1050 	1 Chr 10:1-10:7		Saul dies
1050 	1 Samuel 31:8-31:13]	Saul's body recovered
1050 	1 Chr 10:8-10:12	Saul's body recovered
1050 	2 Samuel 4:4		Mephibosheth crippled
1050 	1 Chr 10:13-10:14]	Saul, conclusion
Page 54:
1050 	2 Samuel 1:1-1:16	David hears of Saul's death
1050 	2 Samuel 1:17-1:27]	David's lament for Saul
1050 	2 Samuel 2:1-2:7	David anointed king of Judah
1050 	2 Samuel 2:8-2:11	Ish-bosheth made king of Israel
1050 	2 Samuel 2:12-2:32]	Battle of Gibeon
1050 	2 Samuel 3:1		Civil war
1049 	2 Samuel 3:6-3:25	Abner joins David
1049 	2 Samuel 3:26-3:30	Joab murders Abner
1049 	2 Samuel 3:31-3:39]	David mourns Abner
1049 	2 Samuel 4:1-4:3	Ish-bosheth learns of Abner
1049 	2 Samuel 4:5-4:12]	Ish-bosheth murdered
  	1 Chr 12:23-12:40]	Troops come to David
  	2 Samuel 5:1-5:5	David anointed king of Israel
  	1 Chr 11:1-11:3		David anointed king of Israel
  	2 Samuel 3:2-3:5	David's wives and children in Hebron
  	1 Chr 3:1-3:4		David's wives and children in Hebron
Page 55:
1044 	2 Samuel 5:6-5:10	David takes Jerusalem
1044 	1 Chr 11:4-11:9		David takes Jerusalem
  	1 Chr 11:10-11:47]	David's mighty men
  	2 Samuel 23:8-23:39]	David's mighty men
  	2 Samuel 5:11-5:12	David established
  	1 Chr 14:1-14:2		David established
  	2 Samuel 5:17-5:21	David repels Philistines
  	1 Chr 14:8-14:12	David repels Philistines
  	2 Samuel 5:22-5:25]	David repels Philistines again
  	1 Chr 14:13-14:16	David repels Philistines again
  	1 Chr 14:17]		David's fame
  	2 Samuel 22:1-22:51]	David's song of deliverance
Page 56:
  	1 Chr 13:1-13:4		David consults about the Ark
  	2 Samuel 6:1-6:4	David attempts to move the Ark
  	1 Chr 13:5-13:8		David attempts to move the Ark
  	1 Chr 13:9-13:14]	Uzzah and the Ark
  	2 Samuel 6:5-6:11	Uzzah and the Ark
  	1 Chr 15:1-15:24	David assembles Levites
  	2 Samuel 6:12		David tries again
  	2 Samuel 6:13-6:15	David moves the Ark
  	1 Chr 15:25-15:29]	David moves the Ark
  	2 Samuel 6:16-6:19	The Ark placed in a tent
  	1 Chr 16:1-16:3		The Ark placed in a tent
  	1 Chr 16:4-16:36	David's song of thanks
  	1 Chr 6:31-6:48		Levite ministry
  	1 Chr 16:37-16:43]	Worship before the Ark
  	2 Samuel 6:20-6:23]	David and Michal
  	2 Samuel 7:1-7:17	God's covenant with David
  	1 Chr 17:1-17:15	God's covenant with David
  	2 Samuel 7:18-7:29]	David's prayer of gratitude
  	1 Chr 17:16-17:27]	David's prayer of gratitude
  	2 Samuel 8:1		David defeats the Philistines
  	1 Chr 18:1		David defeats the Philistines
  	2 Samuel 8:2		David defeats Moab
  	1 Chr 18:2		David defeats Moab
  	2 Samuel 8:13-8:14	David defeats Edomites
  	1 Chr 18:12-18:13	David defeats Edomites
Page 57:
  	2 Samuel 8:15-8:18]	David's officials
  	1 Chr 18:14-18:17]	David's officials
  	2 Samuel 9		David's kindness to Mephibosheth
  	2 Samuel 10:1-10:5	Ammonites disgrace David's men
  	1 Chr 19:1-19:5		Ammonites disgrace David's men
  	2 Samuel 10:6-10:8	War with Ammon and Syria
  	1 Chr 19:6-19:9		War with Ammon and Syria
  	2 Samuel 10:9-10:14	Joab defeats Ammon
  	1 Chr 19:10-19:15	Joab defeats Ammon
  	2 Samuel 10:15-10:19]	David defeats Hadadezer
  	1 Chr 19:16-19:19]	David defeats Hadadezer
  	1 Chr 20:1		Joab besieges Rabbah
  	2 Samuel 11:1-11:25	David and Bathsheba
  	2 Samuel 11:26-11:27]	David marries Bathsheba
  	2 Samuel 12:1-12:15	Nathan rebukes David
  	2 Samuel 12:16-12:23	David's child dies
  	2 Samuel 12:26-12:31]	Rabbah captured
  	1 Chr 20:2-20:3		Rabbah captured
  	2 Samuel 8:3-8:8	David defeats Hadadezer again
  	1 Chr 18:3-18:8		David defeats Hadadezer again
  	2 Samuel 8:9-8:12	Hamath sends emmisary to David
  	1 Chr 18:9-18:11	Hamath sends emmisary to David
  	1 Chr 3:5		David's children by Bathsheba
  	2 Samuel 12:24-12:25	Solomon's birth
  	1 Chr 3:6-3:9		David's wives and children 
  	2 Samuel 5:13-5:16	David's wives and children in Jerusalem
  	1 Chr 14:3-14:7		David's wives and children in Jerusalem
Page 58:
  	2 Samuel 13:1-13:22	Amnon and Tamar
  	2 Samuel 13:23-13:33	Absalom murders Amnon
  	2 Samuel 13:34-13:39]	Absalom flees to Geshur
  	2 Samuel 14		Absalom returns to Jerusalem
  	2 Samuel 15:1-15:12	Absalom's conspiracy
  	2 Samuel 15:13-15:37]	David flees Jerusalem
  	2 Samuel 16:1-16:4	David and Ziba
  	2 Samuel 16:5-16:14	Shimei curses David
Page 59:
  	2 Samuel 16:15-16:23]	Absalom enters Jerusalem
  	2 Samuel 17		Hushai saves David
  	2 Samuel 18:1-18:18	Absalom killed
  	2 Samuel 18:19-18:30	David hears of Absalom's death
  	2 Samuel 18:31-18:33]	David's grief
  	2 Samuel 19:1-19:7	Joab rebukes David
  	2 Samuel 19:8-19:15	David returns to Jerusalem
  	2 Samuel 19:16-19:43]	David pardons his enemies
  	2 Samuel 20:1-20:22	The rebellion of Sheba
  	2 Samuel 20:23-20:26]	David's officials
  	2 Samuel 21:1-21:14	David avenges the Gibeonites
  	2 Samuel 21:15-21:17	War with the Philistines
  	1 Chr 20:4-20:5		Philistine giants killed
  	2 Samuel 21:18-21:22]	War again with the Philistines
  	1 Chr 20:6-20:8]	More Philistine giants killed
Page 60:
  	2 Samuel 24:1		The Lord's anger kindled
  	1 Chr 21:1		Satan against Israel
  	2 Samuel 24:2-24:8	David's census
  	1 Chr 21:2-21:4		David's census
  	1 Chr 27:23		20 and up
  	1 Chr 21:5-21:6		Joab's count
  	2 Samuel 24:9		What Joab tells David
  	1 Chr 21:7		God displeased
  	1 Chr 27:24		Count unfinished
  	2 Samuel 24:10-24:14	David repents
  	1 Chr 21:8-21:13	David repents
  	2 Samuel 24:15-24:17	Pestilence
  	1 Chr 21:14-21:17	Pestilence
  	2 Samuel 24:18-24:25]]	David builds an altar
  	1 Chr 21:18-21:24	David builds an altar
  	1 Chr 21:26-21:27	David makes offerings
  	1 Chr 21:28-22:1	The Temple shall be here
  	1 Chr 21:25		David buys enough land for the Temple
  	1 Chr 22:2-22:5		David prepares for Temple building
  	1 Chr 22:6-22:19]	Solomon charged to build the Temple
  	1 Kings 1:1-1:4		David and Abishag
1011 	1 Kings 1:5-1:27	Adonijah exalts himself
1011 	1 Kings 1:28-1:40	Solomon anointed king
1011 	1 Kings 1:41-1:53]	Adonijah trembles
1011 	1 Chr 23		David organizes Levites
1011 	1 Chr 24		David organizes priests
1011 	1 Chr 25		David organizes musicians
Page 61:
1011 	1 Chr 26:1-26:19	Divisions of the gatekeepers
1011 	1 Chr 26:20-26:32]	Other Temple officials
  	1 Chr 27:1-27:22	Standing army and commanders
  	1 Chr 27:25-27:34]	The king's officials
  	1 Chr 28:1-28:8		David's charge to officials
  	1 Chr 28:9-28:21]	David's charge to Solomon
  	1 Chr 29:1-29:9		David's charge to the assembly
  	1 Chr 29:10-29:22	David prays in the assembly
  	1 Chr 29:23-29:25	Solomon anointed king a second time
  	1 Kings 2:1-2:9		David's final instructions to Solomon
  	2 Samuel 23:1-23:7	Last words of David
  	1 Kings 2:10-2:12	David dies
  	1 Chr 29:26-29:30]]	David dies
  	1 Kings 2:13-2:38	Solomon establishes reign
1009 	1 Kings 2:39-2:46]	Death of Shimei
Page 62:
1009 	2 Chr 1:1		Solomon established
  	1 Kings 3:1-3:2		Solomon's marriage alliance with Pharaoh
  	1 Kings 3:3-3:15	Solomon asks for wisdom 
  	2 Chr 1:2-1:13		Solomon asks for wisdom
  	1 Kings 3:16-3:28]	Solomon's wisdom
  	1 Kings 4:1-4:19	Solomon's officials
  	1 Kings 4:20-4:25	Solomon's wealth 
  	1 Kings 4:26-4:28	Solomon's horses
  	2 Chr 1:14-1:17]	Solomon's wealth and horses
  	1 Kings 4:29-4:34]	Solomon's wisdom
  	1 Kings 5:1		Hiram sends word
  	2 Chr 2:1		Solomon's purpose
  	1 Kings 5:2-5:6		Solomon's response
  	2 Chr 2:3-2:10		Solomon's response
  	1 Kings 5:7-5:9		Hiram's reply
  	2 Chr 2:11-2:16		Hiram's reply
  	1 Kings 5:10-5:12	Peace between Solomon and Hiram
  	2 Chr 2:17-2:18]	Forced labor
  	1 Kings 5:13-5:18]	Forced labor
  	2 Chr 2:2		Forced labor
1008 	1 Kings 6:1-6:10	Temple begun
1008 	2 Chr 3:1-3:9		Temple begun
1008 	1 Kings 6:37		Temple foundation laid
Page 63:
? 	Song of Solomon		
Page 64:
1001 	1 Kings 6:38]		Temple constructed
1001 	1 Kings 7:1-7:12	Solomon builds his house
  	1 Kings 6:11-6:13	The word of the Lord comes to Solomon
  	1 Kings 6:14-6:22	Wood paneling in the Temple
  	1 Kings 6:23-6:28	Cherubim
  	2 Chr 3:10-3:14		Cherubim and veil
  	1 Kings 6:29-6:36	Additional details
  	1 Kings 7:13-7:22	Pillars of bronze
  	2 Chr 3:15-3:17]	Pillars of bronze
  	1 Kings 7:23-7:39	The bronze sea and basins
  	2 Chr 4:1-4:6		The bronze sea and basins
  	1 Kings 7:40-7:47	Bronze summary
  	2 Chr 4:9-4:18		Bronze summary
  	1 Kings 7:48-7:51]	Gold furnishings
  	2 Chr 4:7-4:8		Gold furnishings
  	2 Chr 4:19-5:1		Gold furnishings
Page 65:
? 	Proverbs 1-6		
Page 66:
? 	Proverbs 7-12		
Page 67:
? 	Proverbs 13-18		
Page 68:
? 	Proverbs 19-24		
Page 69:
? 	Proverbs 25-31]]	
Page 70:
988 	1 Kings 8:1-8:11	Ark brought into Temple
988 	2 Chr 5:2-5:14]		Ark brought into Temple
988 	1 Kings 8:12-8:21	Solomon blesses the people
988 	2 Chr 6:1-6:11		Solomon blesses the people
988 	1 Kings 8:22-8:45	Prayer of dedication
988 	2 Chr 6:12-6:35		Prayer of dedication
988 	1 Kings 8:46-8:53	End of prayer
988 	2 Chr 6:36-6:42]	End of prayer
988 	2 Chr 7:1-7:3		Fire from Heaven
988 	1 Kings 8:54-8:61	Benediction
988 	1 Kings 8:62-8:66]	Sacrifices
988 	2 Chr 7:4-7:10		Sacrifices
Page 71:
988 	1 Kings 9:1-9:9		The Lord appears to Solomon
988 	2 Chr 7:11-7:22]	The Lord appears to Solomon
988 	1 Kings 9:10-9:25	Solomon's accomplishments
988 	2 Chr 8:1-8:16		Solomon's accomplishments
  	1 Kings 9:26-9:28]	Ships sail from Ezion-Geber
  	2 Chr 8:17-8:18]	Ships sail from Ezion-Geber
  	1 Kings 10:1-10:13	Queen of Sheba
  	2 Chr 9:1-9:12		Queen of Sheba
  	1 Kings 10:14-10:25	Solomon's wealth
  	2 Chr 9:13-9:24		Solomon's wealth
  	1 Kings 10:26-10:29]	Solomon's horses
  	2 Chr 9:25-9:28		Solomon's horses
  	1 Kings 11:1-11:40	Solomon turns from the Lord
Page 72:
? 	Ecclesiastes		
Page 73:
972 	1 Kings 11:41-11:43]	Solomon dies
972 	2 Chr 9:29-9:31]	Solomon dies
972 	1 Kings 14:21		Rehoboam reigns in Judah
972 	2 Chr 12:13-12:14	Rehoboam reigns in Judah
972 	1 Kings 12:1-12:19	Rehoboam's folly
972 	2 Chr 10		Rehoboam's folly
972 	1 Kings 12:20		Jeroboam reigns in Israel
  	1 Kings 12:21-12:24	Rehoboam almost invades Israel
  	2 Chr 11:1-11:4		Rehoboam almost invades Israel
  	1 Kings 12:25-12:33]	Jeroboam's apostasy
  	1 Kings 13:1-13:10	The man of God confronts Jeroboam
  	1 Kings 13:11-13:34]	The man of God is tricked
  	1 Kings 14:1-14:18	Prophecy against Jeroboam
  	2 Chr 11:5-11:12	Rehoboam builds defenses
  	2 Chr 11:13-11:17	Priests and Levites come to Jerusalem
  	1 Kings 14:22-14:24	Rehoboam's apostasy
968 	1 Kings 14:25-14:28	Shishak attacks Judah
968 	2 Chr 12:1-12:12	Egypt plunders Jerusalem
Page 74:
  	2 Chr 11:18-11:23]	Rehoboam's family
  	1 Kings 14:29-14:30	Rehoboam conclusion 
  	2 Chr 12:15		Rehoboam conclusion 
956 	1 Kings 14:31]		Rehoboam dies (Judah)
956 	2 Chr 12:16]		Rehoboam dies (Judah)
955 	2 Chr 13:1-13:2b	Abijam reigns in Judah
955 	1 Kings 15:1-15:7	Abijam reigns in Judah
  	2 Chr 13:2c-13:19	War between Abijam and Jeroboam
  	2 Chr 13:21-13:22]	Abijam conclusion (Judah)
953 	1 Kings 15:8		Abijam dies (Judah)
953 	2 Chr 14:1a-14:1b	Abijam dies (Judah)
953 	1 Kings 15:9-15:12	Asa reigns in Judah
  	2 Chr 14:2-14:8		Asa reigns in Judah
952 	1 Kings 15:25-15:26	Nadab made king in Israel
951 	2 Chr 13:20		Jeroboam dies (Israel)
951 	1 Kings 14:19-14:20	Jeroboam dies (Israel)
951 	1 Kings 15:27-15:28	Baasha murders Nadab
951 	1 Kings 15:31		Nadab conclusion
951 	1 Kings 15:33-15:34]	Baasha reigns in Israel
951 	1 Kings 15:29-15:30	Baasha murders Nadab's family 
940 	2 Chr 14:9-14:15]	Zerah the Cushite attacks Judah
  	2 Chr 15:1-15:7		Prophecy from Azariah 
  	2 Chr 15:8-15:9		Asa's reforms
939 	2 Chr 15:10-15:15	The people make a covenant
  	1 Kings 15:13-15:15	Asa's additional reforms
  	2 Chr 15:16-15:18	Asa's additional reforms
938 	1 Kings 15:17-15:22	Asa bribes Ben-Hadad of Syria
938 	2 Chr 16:1-16:6		Asa bribes Ben-Hadad of Syria
  	2 Chr 16:7-16:10	Hanani condemns Asa (Judah)
  	1 Kings 15:32		War between Asa and Baasha
  	1 Kings 15:16		War between Asa and Baasha
  	1 Kings 16:1-16:4	Baasha condemned
928 	1 Kings 16:5-16:7	Baasha dies (Israel)
928 	2 Chr 15:19]		Years of peace in Judah
928 	2 Chr 14:1c		Ten years of peace in Judah
928 	1 Kings 16:8-16:14	Elah reigns in Israel
927 	1 Kings 16:15-16:20	Zimri reigns in Israel
927 	1 Kings 16:21-16:22	Tibni and Omri reign in Israel
923 	1 Kings 16:23-16:28	Omri reigns in Israel
916 	1 Kings 16:29-16:34]	Ahab reigns in Israel
915 	2 Chr 16:11-16:12	Asa diseased in his feet
915 	1 Kings 15:23		Asa diseased in his feet
913 	1 Kings 15:24		Asa dies (Judah)
913 	2 Chr 16:13-16:14]	Asa dies (Judah)
913 	2 Chr 17:1-17:6		Jehoshaphat reigns in Judah
Page 75:
913 	1 Kings 22:41-22:42	Jehoshaphat reigns in Judah
911 	2 Chr 17:7-17:19]	Jehoshaphat sends teachers of the Law
  	1 Kings 17:1-17:7	Elijah prophesies a drought in Israel
  	1 Kings 17:8-17:16	Widow of Zarephath
  	1 Kings 17:17-17:24]	Elijah raises the widow's son
  	1 Kings 18:1-18:19	Elijah confronts Ahab
  	1 Kings 18:20-18:40	Prophets of Baal defeated
  	1 Kings 18:41-18:46]	The Lord sends rain
  	1 Kings 19:1-19:8	Elijah flees Jezebel
  	1 Kings 19:9-19:18	The Lord speaks to Elijah
  	1 Kings 19:19-19:21]	The call of Elisha
  	1 Kings 22:44		Jehoshaphat allies with Ahab
  	2 Chr 18:1		Jehoshaphat allies with Ahab
899 	1 Kings 20:1-20:12	Ben-Hadad attacks Israel
899 	1 Kings 20:13-20:25	Ben-Hadad defeated
898 	1 Kings 20:26-20:34	Ben-Hadad attacks Israel again
898 	1 Kings 20:35-20:43]	A prophet condemns Ben-Hadad's release
  	1 Kings 21:1-21:16	Naboth's vineyard
Page 76:
  	1 Kings 21:17-21:24	Elijah condemns Ahab
  	1 Kings 21:25-21:29]	Ahab's repentance
897 	1 Kings 22:51-22:53]]	Ahaziah anointed in Israel
  	1 Kings 22:48-22:49	Ships destroyed at Enzion-Geber
  	2 Chr 20:35-20:37]	Ships destroyed at Enzion-Geber
896 	2 Kings 1:2-1:16	Elijah denounces Ahaziah (Israel)
896 	2 Kings 3:1-3:3		Joram made king in Israel
896 	1 Kings 22:1-22:28	Ahab plans war
896 	2 Chr 18:2-18:27	Ahab plans war
895 	1 Kings 22:29-22:40	Death of Ahab
895 	2 Chr 18:28-18:34]	Death of Ahab
895 	2 Chr 19		Jehoshaphat's reforms
  	2 Chr 20:1-20:30	Valley of Beracah
  	1 Kings 22:43		Jehoshaphat's acts
  	1 Kings 22:45-22:47	Jehoshaphat's acts
  	2 Chr 20:31-20:34	Jehoshaphat's acts
  	2 Kings 1:1		Moab rebels against Israel
Page 77:
892 	2 Kings 8:16-8:19	Jehoram made king in Judah
892 	2 Chr 21:5-21:7		Jehoram made king in Judah
891 	2 Kings 1:17-1:18]	Ahaziah dies (Israel)
  	2 Kings 2:1-2:25]	Elijah taken to heaven
  	2 Kings 3:4-3:27]	Moab attacked, Elisha consulted
889 	1 Kings 22:50		Jehoshaphat dies (Judah)
889 	2 Chr 21:1-21:3		Jehoshaphat dies (Judah)
889 	2 Chr 21:4		Jehoram kills his brothers (Judah)
  	2 Kings 4:1-4:7		Elisha and the widow's oil
  	2 Kings 4:8-4:17	Elisha and the Shunammite woman (Israel)
  	2 Kings 6:1-6:7		The axe head recovered
  	2 Kings 6:8-6:23	Horses and chariots of fire
  	2 Kings 6:24-6:33]	Ben-Hadad's siege of Samaria
  	2 Kings 7:1-7:20]	Syrians flee
  	2 Kings 8:7-8:15	Hazael murders Ben-Hadad
  	2 Kings 8:20-8:22	Edom rebels against Judah
  	2 Chr 21:8-21:10	Edom rebels against Judah
  	2 Chr 21:11-21:19	Elijah's letter delivered
885 	2 Kings 8:23-8:24	Jehoram dies (Judah)
885 	2 Chr 21:20-22:1	Jehoram dies (Judah)
Page 78:
885 	2 Kings 8:25-8:29]	Ahaziah reigns in Judah
885 	2 Chr 22:2-22:6		Ahaziah reigns in Judah
885 	2 Kings 9:1-9:13	Jehu anointed king of Israel
885 	2 Kings 9:14-9:29	Jehu assassinates Joram (I) and Ahaziah (J)
885 	2 Chr 22:7-22:9		Ahaziah conclusion (Judah)
885 	2 Kings 9:30-9:37]	Jehu executes Jezebel
885 	2 Kings 10:1-10:17	Jehu slaughters Ahab's descendants
885 	2 Kings 10:18-10:27	Jehu strikes down the prophets of Baal
885 	2 Kings 10:28-10:36]	Jehu reigns in Israel
884 	2 Kings 11:1-11:3	Athaliah reigns in Judah
884 	2 Chr 22:10-22:12]	Athaliah reigns in Judah
879 	2 Kings 11:4-11:20	Jehoash anointed king in Judah
879 	2 Chr 23:1-23:11	Jehoash anointed king in Judah
879 	2 Chr 23:12-23:15	Athaliah executed
879 	2 Chr 23:16-23:21]	Priest Jehoiada's reforms
879 	2 Kings 11:21-12:3	Jehoash reigns in Judah
879 	2 Chr 24:1-24:3		Jehoash reigns in Judah
  	2 Kings 12:4-12:5	Jehoash attempts to repair the temple
  	2 Chr 24:4-24:5		Jehoash attempts to repair the temple
  	2 Kings 4:18-4:37	Elisha raises Shunammite's son / famine begins
  	2 Kings 4:38-4:44]	Elisha purifies the deadly stew
Page 79:
  	2 Kings 8:1-8:6		7 year famine ends / Shunammite's land restored
857 	2 Kings 12:6-12:16	Jehoash repairs the Temple
857 	2 Chr 24:6-24:14	Jehoash repairs the Temple
857 	2 Kings 13:1-13:8	Jehoahaz reigns in Israel
  	2 Kings 13:22-13:23	Israel oppressed by Hazael
  	2 Kings 12:17-12:18	Gath taken, Hazael bribed
  	2 Kings 5:1-5:14	Naaman healed of leprosy
  	2 Kings 5:15-5:27]	Gehazi's greed and punishment
  	2 Chr 24:15-24:19	Priest Jehoiada dies
843 	2 Kings 13:10-13:11	Joash made king in Israel
842 	2 Kings 14:1-14:4	Amaziah made king in Judah
842 	2 Chr 25:1-25:2		Amaziah made king in Judah
841 	2 Kings 13:9		Jehoahaz dies
840 	2 Chr 24:20-24:22	Jehoash's treachery
840 	2 Chr 24:23-24:27]	Syrians attack, Jehoash assassinated
840 	2 Kings 12:19-12:21]	Death of Jehoash (Judah)
  	2 Kings 14:5-14:6	Amaziah kills murderers
  	2 Chr 25:3-25:4		Amaziah kills murderers
  	2 Kings 13:14-13:21	Elisha dies
  	2 Kings 13:24-13:25]	Hazael dies 
  	2 Kings 14:7		Amaziah defeats Edom
  	2 Chr 25:5-25:16	Amaziah defeats Edom
  	2 Kings 14:8-14:14	Amaziah loses to Joash
  	2 Chr 25:17-25:24	Amaziah loses to Joash
828 	2 Kings 13:12-13:13	Joash dies (Israel)
828 	2 Kings 14:15-14:16	Joash dies (Israel)
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828 	2 Kings 14:23-14:28	Jeroboam II reigns in Israel.  Jonah
814 	2 Kings 14:17-14:20	Amaziah dies (Judah)
814 	2 Chr 25:25-25:28]	Amaziah dies (Judah)
  	Hosea 1-2		
Page 81:
802 	2 Kings 14:21-14:22	Azariah (Uzziah) made king in Judah.  Amos
802 	2 Kings 15:1-15:4	Azariah reigns in Judah
802 	2 Chr 26:1-26:15	Azariah reigns in Judah
Page 82:
788 	2 Kings 14:29]		Jeroboam II dies (Israel)
  	Hosea 3-4		
765 	2 Kings 15:8-15:12	Zechariah reigns in Israel
764 	2 Kings 15:13-15:16	Shallum reigns in Israel
764 	2 Kings 15:17-15:18	Menahem reigns in Israel
763 	2 Kings 15:19-15:20	Menahem bribes Pul of Assyria
  	Hosea 5-7		
  	2 Kings 15:5-15:7	Azariah becomes a leper
  	2 Chr 26:16-26:23]	Azariah becomes a leper
Page 83:
  	Isaiah 1		
  	Isaiah 2-5		
755 	2 Kings 15:21-15:22	Menahem dies
753 	2 Kings 15:23-15:26	Pekahiah reigns in Israel
751 	2 Kings 15:27-15:28	Pekah reigns in Israel
751 	Isaiah 6		
Page 84:
750 	2 Kings 15:32-15:37	Jotham reigns in Judah
750 	2 Chr 27:1-27:8		Jotham reigns in Judah
  	2 Kings 15:29		Tiglath-Pileser attacks Israel
  	1 Chr 5			Trans-Jordan tribes exiled
  	Hosea 8			
  	Micah 1-5		
Page 85:
735 	2 Kings 16:1-16:4	Ahaz reigns in Judah
735 	2 Chr 28:1-28:4		Ahaz reigns in Judah
  	2 Chr 28:5-28:15	Judah attacked by Syria and Israel
  	2 Kings 16:5		Jerusalem attacked
  	Isaiah 7-12		
Page 86:
  	2 Kings 16:6		Elath taken by Syria
  	2 Chr 28:22-28:23	Ahaz's idolatry
  	2 Chr 28:16-28:19	More trouble for Judah
  	2 Kings 16:7-16:9	Ahaz asks Assyria for help, Syria defeated
  	2 Chr 28:20-28:21	Assyria afflicts Ahaz
  	2 Kings 16:10-16:18	Ahaz goes to Damascus, makes changes at home
  	2 Chr 28:24-28:25	Ahaz closes the Temple
731 	2 Kings 15:30-15:31	Hoshea kills Pekah
731 	2 Kings 17:3		Hoshea becomes vassal of Assyria
731 	2 Kings 15:38]		Jotham dies (Judah)
731 	2 Chr 27:9]		Jotham dies (Judah)
730 	Isaiah 13:1-14:27	
  	Micah 6			
  	Hosea 9-10		
Page 87:
724 	2 Kings 17:1-17:2	Hoshea rebels, reigns in Israel
  	2 Kings 17:4		Hoshea imprisoned
721 	2 Kings 18:1-18:3	Hezekiah made king in Judah
721 	2 Chr 29:1-29:2		Hezekiah made king in Judah
721 	2 Chr 29:3-29:36]	Hezekiah cleanses the Temple
721 	2 Chr 30:1-31:1		Passover celebrated
721 	2 Chr 31:2-31:19	Hezekiah organizes the priests
721 	2 Chr 31:20-31:21]	Hezekiah reigns in Judah
721 	2 Kings 18:4-18:8	Hezekiah reigns in Judah
720 	2 Kings 16:19-16:20]	Ahaz dies (Judah)
720 	2 Chr 28:26-28:27]	Ahaz dies (Judah)
720 	Isaiah 14:28-14:32]	
  	Isaiah 15-19		
Page 88:
  	Hosea 11-14]]		
  	Micah 7]]		
Page 89:
718 	2 Kings 17:5		Samaria besieged
718 	2 Kings 18:9		Samaria besieged
717 	Isaiah 20		
  	Isaiah 21-23		
Page 90:
  	Isaiah 24-31		
Page 91:
  	Isaiah 32-35		
Page 92:
716 	2 Kings 17:6		Samaria falls
716 	2 Kings 18:10-18:12	Samaria falls, Israel deported
  	2 Kings 17:7-17:23	Exile because of idolatry
  	1 Chr 7			
  	2 Kings 17:24-17:41]	Assyria resettles Samaria
708 	2 Chr 32:1-32:8		Sennacherib attacks Judah
708 	2 Kings 18:13-18:16	Sennacherib attacks Judah
708 	2 Kings 18:17-18:37]	Sennacherib demands surrender
708 	2 Chr 32:9-32:15	Sennacherib demands surrender
708 	Isaiah 36		Sennacherib demands surrender
708 	2 Kings 19:1-19:7	Isaiah reassures Hezekiah
708 	Isaiah 37:1-37:7	Isaiah reassures Hezekiah
708 	2 Kings 19:8-19:13	Sennacherib defies the Lord
708 	Isaiah 37:8-37:13	Sennacherib defies the Lord
Page 93:
708 	2 Chr 32:16-32:19	Sennacherib defies the Lord
708 	2 Kings 19:14-19:19	Hezekiah's prayer
708 	Isaiah 37:14-37:20	Hezekiah's prayer
708 	2 Kings 19:20-19:34	Isaiah prophesies Sennacherib's fall
708 	Isaiah 37:21-37:35	Isaiah prophesies Sennacherib's fall
708 	2 Chr 32:20		Hezekiah and Isaiah pray
708 	2 Kings 19:35-19:36	Sennacherib departs
708 	2 Chr 32:21a-32:21b	Sennacherib departs
708 	Isaiah 37:36-37:37	Sennacherib departs
708 	2 Chr 32:22-32:23	Jerusalem saved
708 	2 Kings 20:1-20:11	Hezekiah's illness and recovery
708 	2 Chr 32:24-32:26	Hezekiah's illness and recovery
708 	Isaiah 38		Hezekiah's illness and recovery
708 	2 Chr 32:27-32:30	Hezekiah prospers
708 	2 Chr 32:31		Hezekiah and the Babylonian envoys
708 	2 Kings 20:12-20:19	Hezekiah and the Babylonian envoys
708 	Isaiah 39		Hezekiah and the Babylonian envoys
Page 94:
  	Isaiah 40-44		
Page 95:
  	Isaiah 45-48		
Page 96:
  	Isaiah 49-54		
Page 97:
  	Isaiah 55:1-56:8	
  	Isaiah 56:9-60:22]	
Page 98:
  	Isaiah 61-66]]		
  	1 Chr 4:24-4:43]	Descendants of Simeon
Page 99:
694? 	Job  1-7		
Page 100:
694? 	Job  8-14		
Page 101:
694? 	Job  15-21		
Page 102:
694? 	Job  22-26		
Page 103:
694? 	Job  27-31		
Page 104:
694? 	Job  32-37		
Page 105:
694? 	Job  38-42]]		
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693 	2 Kings 20:20-20:21]	Hezekiah dies.  Habakkuk
693 	2 Chr 32:32-32:33]	Hezekiah dies
693 	2 Kings 21:1-21:18	Manasseh reigns in Judah
693 	2 Chr 33:1-33:9		Manasseh reigns in Judah
688 	2 Kings 19:37]		Sennacherib murdered
688 	2 Chr 32:21c		Sennacherib murdered
688 	Isaiah 37:38]		Sennacherib murdered
? 	Habakkuk		
Page 107:
648 	2 Chr 33:10-33:20	Manasseh's repentance.  Nahum
? 	Nahum			
639 	2 Kings 21:19-21:26]	Amon reigns in Judah
639 	2 Chr 33:21-33:25]	Amon reigns in Judah
638 	2 Kings 22:1-22:2	Josiah reigns in Judah
638 	2 Chr 34:1-34:2		Josiah reigns in Judah
631 	2 Chr 34:3a		Josiah seeks God
627 	2 Chr 34:3b-34:7	Purge of high places begins
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626 	Jeremiah 1-6		
Page 109:
  	Jeremiah 7-9		
Page 110:
  	Jeremiah 10-13		
Page 111:
Page 112:
621 	2 Kings 22:3-22:7	Josiah repairs Temple
621 	2 Kings 22:8-22:13	Book of the Law found
621 	2 Chr 34:8-34:21	Book of the Law found
621 	2 Kings 22:14-22:20]	Huldah prophesies disaster
621 	2 Chr 34:22-34:28	Huldah prophesies disaster
621 	2 Kings 23:1-23:20	Josiah's reforms
621 	2 Chr 34:29-34:32	Josiah's reforms
621 	2 Kings 23:21-23:23	Passover celebrated
621 	2 Chr 35:1-35:19	Passover celebrated
  	2 Kings 23:24-23:25	Additional reforms
  	2 Chr 34:33]		Additional reforms
608 	2 Kings 23:26-23:30	Josiah killed
608 	2 Chr 35:20-35:27]	Josiah killed
608 	2 Kings 23:31-23:35	Jehoahaz reigns 
608 	2 Chr 36:1-36:4		Jehoahaz reigns 
608 	2 Kings 23:36-23:37]	Jehoiakim reigns
608 	2 Chr 36:5-36:8		Jehoiakim reigns
608 	Jeremiah 26		
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608 	2 Kings 24:1-24:7	Jehoiakim rebels
  	Jeremiah 14-15		
  	Jeremiah 16-17		
  	Jeremiah 18-20		
Page 114:
605 	Daniel 1		
604 	Jeremiah 35:1-36:8	
604 	Jeremiah 45:1-49:33	
Page 115:
604 	Jeremiah 25		
603 	Jeremiah 36:9-36:32]	
603 	Daniel 2-3		
Page 116:
598 	Jeremiah 52:28		
  	Jeremiah 22-23		
597 	2 Kings 24:8-24:17	Jehoiachin reigns
597 	2 Chr 36:9-36:10	Jehoiachin reigns
597 	2 Kings 24:18-24:19	Zedekiah reigns
597 	2 Chr 36:11-36:14	Zedekiah reigns
Page 117:
596 	Jeremiah 24		
  	Jeremiah 29-31		
Page 118:
593 	Ezekiel 1-7		
Page 119:
593 	Jeremiah 27		
593 	Jeremiah 28		
593 	Jeremiah 49:34-49:39]	
593 	Jeremiah 50-51		
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592 	Ezekiel 8-11		
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592 	Ezekiel 12-19		
Page 122:
591 	Ezekiel 20-23		
Page 123:
588 	Jeremiah 39:1		
588 	Ezekiel 24-25		
588 	Jeremiah 21		
588 	Jeremiah 34:1-34:10	
  	Jeremiah 37:1-37:5	
  	Jeremiah 34:11-34:22]	
  	Jeremiah 37:6-38:28]	
  	Jeremiah 39:15-39:18]	
Page 124:
587 	Ezekiel 29:1-29:16	
587 	Ezekiel 30:20-31:18]	
587 	Ezekiel 26-28		
587 	Jeremiah 52:29		
Page 125:
587 	Jeremiah 32		
  	Jeremiah 33		
586 	Jeremiah 39:2-39:14	
586 	Jeremiah 52:1-52:27	
586 	2 Kings 24:20-25:22	Jerusalem falls
586 	Jeremiah 40:1-40:6	
586 	2 Chr 36:15-36:21	Jerusalem falls
Page 126:
585 	Ezekiel 33:21-39:29]	
Page 127:
585 	Ezekiel 32:1-33:20	
585 	2 Kings 25:23-25:26	Gedaliah murdered
585 	Jeremiah 40:7-43:13]	
  	Jeremiah 44		
Page 128:
582 	Jeremiah 52:30		
Page 129:
  	Daniel 4		
Page 130:
573 	Ezekiel 40-44		
Page 131:
573 	Ezekiel 45-48]]		
Page 132:
571 	Ezekiel 29:17-30:19	
561 	2 Kings 25:27-25:30]]	Jehoiachin released
561 	Jeremiah 52:31-52:34]]	
552 	Daniel 7		
550 	Daniel 8		
Page 133:
539 	Daniel 5-6		
539 	Daniel 9		
Page 134:
538 	2 Chr 36:22-36:23]]	Proclamation of Cyrus
538 	Ezra 1:1-4:5		Proclamation of Cyrus
  	Ezra 4:24]		The work stops
Page 135:
536 	Daniel 10-12]]		
  	1 Chr 6:1-6:15		Priestly lineage
Page 136:
520 	Haggai 1:1-2:9		
520 	Zechariah 1:1-1:6	
520 	Haggai 2:10-2:23]]	
Page 137:
519 	Zechariah 1:7-6:15]	
  	Ezra 5:1-6:13		Temple construction begins again
Page 138:
518 	Zechariah 7-14]]	
Page 139:
515 	Ezra 6:14-6:22]		Temple completed.  Joel
? 	Joel			
Page 140:
486 	Ezra 4:6		Accusation against Judah
483 	Esther 1		The king's banquet
479 	Esther 2:1-2:18		Esther chosen queen
  	Esther 2:19-2:23]	Mordecai discovers a plot
474 	Esther 3		Haman plots against the Jews
474 	Esther 4		Esther agrees to help the Jews
Page 141:
474 	Esther 5:1-5:8		Esther prepares a banquet
474 	Esther 5:9-5:14]	Haman plans to hang Mordecai
474 	Esther 6:1-6:13		The king honors Mordecai
474 	Esther 6:14-7:6		Haman's plot revealed
474 	Esther 7:7-7:10]	Haman hanged
474 	Esther 8		Esther saves the Jews
473 	Esther 9:1-9:19		The Jews destroy their enemies
473 	Esther 9:20-9:32]	Purim inaugurated
  	Esther 10]]		The greatness of Mordecai
Page 142:
458 	Ezra 7			Ezra ordered to Jerusalem
Page 143:
458 	Ezra 8			Ezra travels to Jerusalem
458 	Ezra 9			Ezra prays about intermarriage
458 	Ezra 10]]		The people confess their sin
  	Ezra 4:7-4:23		Jerusalem wall stopped
Page 144:
445 	Nehemiah 1:1-1:11]	Report from Jerusalem
445 	Nehemiah 2:1-2:8	Nehemiah sent to Judah
445 	Nehemiah 2:9-2:20]	Walls inspected
445 	Nehemiah 3		Rebuilding starts
445 	Nehemiah 4:1-4:14	Opposition to the work
445 	Nehemiah 4:15-4:23]	Work resumes
Page 145:
445 	Nehemiah 5:1-5:13	Oppression of the poor stopped
445 	Nehemiah 5:14-5:19]	Nehemiah's generosity
445 	Nehemiah 6:1-6:14	Conspiracy against Nehemiah
445 	Nehemiah 6:15-7:4	The wall is finished
445 	Nehemiah 7:5-7:73]	Census of returnees
Page 146:
445 	Nehemiah 8:1-8:12	Ezra reads the law
445 	Nehemiah 8:13-8:18]	Tabernacles celebrated
445 	Nehemiah 9:1-9:37	The people confess their sins
445 	Nehemiah 9:38-10:39]	The people make a covenant
  	Nehemiah 11		Jerusalem repopulated
  	Nehemiah 12:1-12:26	The priests and Levites that returned
Page 147:
  	Nehemiah 12:27-13:3	Dedication of the wall
433 	Nehemiah 13:4-13:31]]	Final reforms
  	1 Chr 3:10-3:24]	Descendants and exiles of David
  	1 Chr 8			Descendants and exiles of Benjamin
  	1 Chr 9:35-9:44]	Descendants of Saul
  	1 Chr 9:1-9:34		Census of returnees
400 BC	 			An Interlude of Psalms
Page 148:
  	Psalm 1			Book 1
  	Psalm 2			
  	Psalm 3			
  	Psalm 4			
  	Psalm 5			
  	Psalm 6			
  	Psalm 7			
  	Psalm 8			
  	Psalm 9			
  	Psalm 10		
  	Psalm 11		
  	Psalm 12		
  	Psalm 13		
  	Psalm 14		
  	Psalm 15		
Page 149:
  	Psalm 16		Book 1
  	Psalm 17		
  	Psalm 18		
  	Psalm 19		
  	Psalm 20		
  	Psalm 21		
  	Psalm 22		
  	Psalm 23		
Page 150:
  	Psalm 24		Book 1
  	Psalm 25		
  	Psalm 26		
  	Psalm 27		
  	Psalm 28		
  	Psalm 29		
  	Psalm 30		
  	Psalm 31		
  	Psalm 32		
  	Psalm 33		
Page 151:
  	Psalm 34		Book 1
  	Psalm 35		
  	Psalm 36		
  	Psalm 37		
  	Psalm 38		
  	Psalm 39		
  	Psalm 40		
  	Psalm 41		
Page 152:
  	Psalm 42		Book 2
  	Psalm 43		
  	Psalm 44		
  	Psalm 45		
  	Psalm 46		
  	Psalm 47		
  	Psalm 48		
  	Psalm 49		
  	Psalm 50		
Page 153:
  	Psalm 51		Book 2
  	Psalm 52		
  	Psalm 53		
  	Psalm 54		
  	Psalm 55		
  	Psalm 56		
  	Psalm 57		
  	Psalm 58		
  	Psalm 59		
  	Psalm 60		
  	Psalm 61		
  	Psalm 62		
  	Psalm 63		
  	Psalm 64		
  	Psalm 65		
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  	Psalm 66		Book 2
  	Psalm 67		
  	Psalm 68		
  	Psalm 69		
  	Psalm 70		
  	Psalm 71		
  	Psalm 72		
Page 155:
  	Psalm 73		Book 3
  	Psalm 74		
  	Psalm 75		
  	Psalm 76		
  	Psalm 77		
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  	Psalm 78		Book 3
  	Psalm 79		
  	Psalm 80		
  	Psalm 81		
  	Psalm 82		
  	Psalm 83		
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  	Psalm 84		Book 3
  	Psalm 85		
  	Psalm 86		
  	Psalm 87		
  	Psalm 88		
  	Psalm 89		
Page 158:
  	Psalm 90		Book 4
  	Psalm 91		
  	Psalm 92		
  	Psalm 93		
  	Psalm 94		
  	Psalm 95		
  	Psalm 96		
  	Psalm 97		
  	Psalm 98		
  	Psalm 99		
  	Psalm 100		
  	Psalm 101		
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  	Psalm 102		Book 4
  	Psalm 103		
  	Psalm 104		
  	Psalm 105		
  	Psalm 106		
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  	Psalm 107		Book 5
  	Psalm 108		
  	Psalm 109		
  	Psalm 110		
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  	Psalm 111		Book 5
  	Psalm 112		
  	Psalm 113		
  	Psalm 114		
  	Psalm 115		
  	Psalm 116		
  	Psalm 117		
  	Psalm 118		
Page 162:
  	Psalm 119		Book 5
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  	Psalm 120		Book 5
  	Psalm 121		
  	Psalm 122		
  	Psalm 123		
  	Psalm 124		
  	Psalm 125		
  	Psalm 126		
  	Psalm 127		
  	Psalm 128		
  	Psalm 129		
  	Psalm 130		
  	Psalm 131		
  	Psalm 132		
  	Psalm 133		
  	Psalm 134		
  	Psalm 135		
  	Psalm 136		
  	Psalm 137		
Page 164:
  	Psalm 138		Book 5
  	Psalm 139		
  	Psalm 140		
  	Psalm 141		
  	Psalm 142		
  	Psalm 143		
  	Psalm 144		
  	Psalm 145		
  	Psalm 146		
  	Psalm 147		
  	Psalm 148		
  	Psalm 149		
  	Psalm 150		
7 BC	 			New Testament Chronology
Page 165:
  	John 1:1-1:18		The Word Became Flesh
  	Luke 1:1-1:4		Dedication to Theophilus
7 	Luke 1:5-1:25		Birth of John the Baptist Foretold
7 	Luke 1:26-1:38		Birth of Jesus foretold
7 	Luke 1:39-1:56		Mary visits Elizabeth
7 	Luke 1:57-1:66		Birth of John the Baptist
7 	Luke 1:67-1:80]		Zechariah's Prophecy
  	Matt 1:1-1:17		The Genealogy of Jesus the Christ
6 	Matt 1:18-1:25]		Joseph Considers Divorce
6 	Luke 2:1-2:7		The Birth of Jesus the Christ
6 	Luke 2:8-2:21		Shepards and Angels
6 	Luke 2:22-2:38		Jesus Presented at the Temple
Page 166:
4 	Matt 2:1-2:12		The Visit of the Wise Men
4 	Matt 2:13-2:15		The Flight to Egypt
4 	Matt 2:16-2:18		Herod Kills the Children
4 	Matt 2:19-2:23]		The Return to Nazareth
4 	Luke 2:39-2:40		The Return to Nazareth
9 	Luke 2:41-2:52]		The Boy Jesus in the Temple
28  	Luke 3:1-3:6		John the Baptist Prepares the Way
28 	Mark 1:1-1:8		John the Baptist Prepares the Way
28 	Matt 3:1-3:6		John the Baptist Prepares the Way
28 	Matt 3:7-3:12		Pharisees and Saduccees Go to John
28 	Luke 3:7-3:18		John Preaches
29 	Mark 1:9-1:11		The Baptism of Jesus
29 	Matt 3:13-3:15		The Baptism of Jesus
29 	Matt 3:16-3:17]		The Holy Spirit Descends
29 	Luke 3:21-3:22		The Holy Spirit Descends
  	Luke 3:23-3:38]		The Genealogy of Jesus the Christ
29 	Mark 1:12-1:13		The Temptation of Jesus
29 	Matt 4:1-4:11		The Temptation of Jesus
29 	Luke 4:1-4:13		The Temptation of Jesus
29 	John 1:19-1:28		The Testimony of John the Baptist
29 	John 1:29-1:34		Behold, the Lamb of God
29 	John 1:35-1:42		Jesus Calls the First Disciples
29 	John 1:43-1:51]		Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael
29 	John 2:1-2:12		The Wedding at Cana
Page 167:
29 	John 2:13-2:22		Jesus Cleanses the Temple
29 	John 2:23-2:25]		Jesus Knows What Is in Man
29 	John 3:1-3:21		You Must Be Born Again
29 	John 3:22-3:36]		John the Baptist Exalts Christ
29 	John 4:1-4:42		Jesus and the Woman of Samaria
29 	Luke 3:19-3:20		John Imprisoned
29 	Matt 4:12		John Imprisoned
29 	John 4:43-4:45		Jesus Departs for Galilee
29 	Mark 1:14-1:15		Jesus Expands His Ministry
29 	Luke 4:14-4:15		Jesus Expands His Ministry
29 	Luke 4:16-4:30		Jesus Preaches at Nazareth
29 	John 4:46-4:54]		Jesus Heals an Official's Son
29 	Matt 4:13-4:17		Jesus Living at Capernaum
29 	John 5:1-5:47]		The Healing at the Pool on the Sabbath
  	John 7:53-8:11		* The Woman Caught in Adultery
Page 168:
30 	Mark 1:16-1:20		Jesus Gathers His Disciples
30 	Matt 4:18-4:22		Jesus Gathers His Disciples
30 	Luke 5:1-5:11		Jesus Gathers His Disciples
30 	Mark 1:21-1:28		Jesus Heals a Man with an Unclean Spirit
30 	Luke 4:31-4:37		Jesus Heals a Man with an Unclean Spirit
30 	Mark 1:29-1:34		Jesus at the House of Simon and Andrew
30 	Luke 4:38-4:41		Jesus at the House of Simon and Andrew
30 	Matt 8:14-8:17		Jesus at the House of Simon and Andrew
30 	Luke 4:42-4:44]		Jesus Preaches in Galilee
30 	Mark 1:35-1:39		Jesus Preaches in Galilee
30 	Matt 4:23-4:25]		Jesus Minsters to Great Crowds
30 	Matt 5:1		The Sermon on the Mount
30 	Matt 5:2-5:12		The Beatitudes
30 	Matt 5:13-5:16		Salt and Light
30 	Matt 5:17-5:20		Christ Came to Fulfill the Law
30 	Matt 5:21-5:26		Anger
30 	Matt 5:27-5:30		Lust
30 	Matt 5:31-5:32		Divorce
30 	Matt 5:33-5:37		Oaths
30 	Matt 5:38-5:42		Retaliation
30 	Matt 5:43-5:48]		Love Your Enemies
30 	Matt 6:1-6:4		Giving to the Needy
30 	Matt 6:5-6:15		The Lord's Prayer
30 	Matt 6:16-6:18		Fasting
30 	Matt 6:19-6:24		Lay Up Treasures in Heaven
30 	Matt 6:25-6:34]		Do Not Be Anxious
30 	Matt 7:1-7:6		Ask, and It Will Be Given
30 	Matt 7:7-7:14		The Golden Rule
30 	Matt 7:15-7:20		A Tree and Its Fruit
30 	Matt 7:21-7:23		I Never Knew You
30 	Matt 7:24-7:27		Build Your House on the Rock
30 	Matt 7:28-7:29]		The Authority of Jesus
Page 169:
30 	Matt 8:1-8:4		Jesus Cleanses a Leper
30 	Mark 1:40-1:45]		Jesus Cleanses a Leper
30 	Luke 5:12-5:16		Jesus Cleanses a Leper
30 	Matt 9:1-9:8		Jesus Heals a Paralytic
30 	Mark 2:1-2:12		Jesus Heals a Paralytic
30 	Luke 5:17-5:26		Jesus Heals a Paralytic
30 	Matt 9:9-9:13		Jesus Calls Matthew / Levi
30 	Mark 2:13-2:17		Jesus Calls Matthew / Levi
30 	Luke 5:27-5:32		Jesus Calls Matthew / Levi
30 	Mark 2:18-2:22		A Question About Fasting
30 	Luke 5:33-5:39]		A Question About Fasting
30 	Matt 9:14-9:17		A Question About Fasting
30 	Mark 2:23-2:28]		Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath
30 	Luke 6:1-6:5		Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath
30 	Matt 12:1-12:8		Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath
30 	Mark 3:1-3:6		A Man with a Withered Hand
30 	Luke 6:6-6:11		A Man with a Withered Hand
30 	Matt 12:9-12:14		A Man with a Withered Hand
30 	Matt 12:15-12:21	God's Chosen Servant
Page 170:
30 	Mark 3:7-3:12		A Great Crowd Follows Jesus
30 	Mark 3:13-3:19		The Twelve Apostles Named
30 	Luke 6:12-6:16		The Twelve Apostles Named
30 	Luke 6:17-6:19		Jesus Ministers to a Great Multitude
30 	Luke 6:20-6:23		The Beatitudes
30 	Luke 6:24-6:26		Jesus Pronounces Woes
30 	Luke 6:27-6:36		Love Your Enemies
30 	Luke 6:37-6:42		Judging Others
30 	Luke 6:43-6:45		A Tree and Its Fruit
30 	Luke 6:46-6:49]		Build Your House on the Rock
30 	Matt 8:5-8:13		Jesus Heals a Centurion's Servant
30 	Luke 7:1-7:10		Jesus Heals a Centurion's Servant
30 	Luke 7:11-7:17		Jesus Raises a Widow's Son
30 	Luke 7:18-7:35		Messengers from John the Baptist
30 	Matt 11:2-11:19		Messengers from John the Baptist
30 	Luke 7:36-7:50]		A Sinful Woman Forgiven
30 	Luke 8:1-8:3		Women Accompanying Jesus
Page 171:
31 	Mark 6:21-6:29		The Death of John the Baptist
31 	Matt 14:6-14:12		The Death of John the Baptist
31 	Mark 3:20-3:21		Jesus Returns Home
31 	Mark 3:22-3:30		Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
31 	Matt 12:22-12:32	Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
31 	Matt 12:33-12:37	A Tree Is Known by Its Fruit
31 	Matt 12:38-12:42	The Sign of Jonah
31 	Matt 12:43-12:45	Return of an Unclean Spirit
31 	Mark 3:31-3:35]		Jesus' Mother and Brothers
31 	Matt 12:46-12:50]	Jesus' Mother and Brothers
31 	Luke 8:19-8:21		Jesus' Mother and Brothers
31 	Matt 13:1-13:9		The Parable of the Sower
31 	Mark 4:1-4:9		The Parable of the Sower
31 	Luke 8:4-8:8		The Parable of the Sower
31 	Matt 13:24-13:30	The Parable of the Weeds
31 	Mark 4:21-4:25		No One Hides a Lamp
31 	Luke 8:16-8:18		No One Hides a Lamp
31 	Mark 4:26-4:29		The Parable of the Seed Growing
31 	Mark 4:30-4:32		The Parable of the Mustard Seed
31   	Matt 13:31-13:32	The Parable of the Mustard Seed 
31 	Matt 13:33		The Parable of the Leaven
31 	Mark 4:33-4:34		Parables
31 	Matt 13:34-13:35	Prophecy and Parables
31 	Mark 4:10-4:20		The Purpose of the Parables
31 	Luke 8:9-8:15		The Purpose of the Parables
31 	Matt 13:10-13:23	The Purpose of the Parables
31 	Matt 13:36-13:53	Parables Explained
31 	Matt 8:18-8:22		The Cost of Following Jesus
31 	Mark 4:35-4:41]		Jesus Calms a Storm
31 	Luke 8:22-8:25		Jesus Calms a Storm
31 	Matt 8:23-8:27		Jesus Calms a Storm
Page 172:
31 	Mark 5:1-5:20		Jesus Heals a Man with Demons
31 	Luke 8:26-8:39		Jesus Heals a Man with Demons
31 	Matt 8:28-8:34]		Jesus Heals a Man with Demons
31 	Mark 5:21-5:43]		A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed
31 	Luke 8:40-8:56]		A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed
31 	Matt 9:18-9:26		A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed
31 	Matt 9:27-9:31		Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
31 	Matt 9:32-9:34		Jesus Heals a Man Unable to Speak
31 	Matt 9:35-9:38]		The Harvest Is Plentiful, the Laborers Few
31 	Matt 13:54-13:58]	Jesus Rejected at Nazareth
31 	Mark 6:1-6:6		Jesus Rejected at Nazareth
31 	Mark 6:7-6:13		Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles
31 	Luke 9:1-9:6		Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles
31 	Matt 10:1-11:1		Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles
Page 173:
32 	Matt 14:1-14:5		Herod is Perplexed by Jesus
32 	Mark 6:14-6:20		Herod is Perplexed by Jesus
32 	Luke 9:7-9:9		Herod is Perplexed by Jesus
32 	Matt 14:13-14:21	Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
32 	Mark 6:30-6:44		Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
32 	Luke 9:10-9:17		Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
32 	John 6:1-6:15		Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
32 	Matt 14:22-14:33	Jesus Walks on the Water
32 	Mark 6:45-6:52		Jesus Walks on the Water
32 	John 6:16-6:21		Jesus Walks on the Water
32 	Matt 14:34-14:36]	Jesus Heals the Sick in Gennesaret
32 	Mark 6:53-6:56]		Jesus Heals the Sick in Gennesaret
32 	John 6:22-7:1		I Am the Bread of Life
Page 174:
32 	Matt 15:1-15:9		Traditions and Commandments
32 	Mark 7:1-7:13		Traditions and Commandments
32 	Matt 15:10-15:20	What Defiles a Person
32 	Mark 7:14-7:23		What Defiles a Person
32 	Matt 15:21-15:28	The Faith of a Canaanite Woman
32 	Mark 7:24-7:30		The Faith of a Canaanite Woman
32 	Mark 7:31-7:37]		Jesus Heals a Deaf Man
32 	Matt 15:29-15:31	Jesus Heals Many
32 	Matt 15:32-15:39]	Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand
32 	Mark 8:1-8:10		Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand
32 	Mark 8:11-8:13		The Pharisees Demand a Sign
32 	Matt 16:1-16:4		The Pharisees Demand a Sign
32 	Mark 8:14-8:21		The Leaven of the Pharisees
32 	Matt 16:5-16:12		The Leaven of the Pharisees
32 	Mark 8:22-8:26		Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida
Page 175:
32 	Matt 16:13-16:20	Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ
32 	Mark 8:27-8:30		Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ
32 	Luke 9:18-9:20		Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ
32 	Luke 9:21-9:22		Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection
32 	Matt 16:21-16:23	Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection
32 	Mark 8:31-8:33		Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection
32 	Matt 16:24-16:28]	Take up Your Cross and Follow Jesus
32 	Mark 8:34-9:1		Take up Your Cross and Follow Jesus
32 	Luke 9:23-9:27		Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus
32 	Luke 9:28-9:36		The Transfiguration
32 	Mark 9:2-9:13		The Transfiguration
32 	Matt 17:1-17:13		The Transfiguration
32 	Luke 9:37-9:45		Jesus Heals a Boy with an Unclean Spirit
32 	Mark 9:14-9:29		Jesus Heals a Boy with an Unclean Spirit
32 	Matt 17:14-17:20	Jesus Heals a Boy with an Unclean Spirit
32 	Mark 9:30-9:32		Jesus Again Foretells Death, Resurrection
32 	Matt 17:22-17:23	Jesus Again Foretells Death, Resurrection
32 	Matt 17:24-17:27]	The Temple Tax
32 	Matt 18:1-18:6		Who Is the Greatest?
32 	Mark 9:33-9:37		Who Is the Greatest?
32 	Luke 9:46-9:48		Who Is the Greatest?
32 	Luke 9:49-9:50		Anyone Not Against Us Is for Us
32 	Mark 9:38-9:41		Anyone Not Against Us Is for Us
32 	Mark 9:42-9:50]		Temptations to Sin
32 	Matt 18:7-18:14		Temptations to Sin
32 	Matt 18:15-18:35]	Forgiveness
Page 176:
32 	John 7:2-7:13		The Feast of Booths at Hand
32 	John 7:14-7:52]		Jesus at the Feast of Booths
32 	John 8:12-8:30		I am the Light of the World
32 	John 8:31-8:59]		The Truth Will Set You Free
32   	John 9:1-9:41]		Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
32 	John 10:1-10:21		I Am the Good Shepard
Page 177:
32 	John 10:22-10:39	I and the Father Are One
32 	Mark 10:1		Judea Beyond the Jordan
32 	Matt 19:1-19:2		Judea Beyond the Jordan
32 	John 10:40-10:42]	Judea Beyond the Jordan
33 	Luke 9:51-9:56		A Samaritan Village Rejects Jesus
33 	Luke 9:57-9:62]		The Cost of Following Jesus
33 	Luke 10:1-10:12		Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two
33   	Luke 10:13-10:16	Woe to Unrepentant Cities
33 	Matt 11:20-11:24	Woe to Unrepentant Cities
33 	Luke 10:17-10:20	The Return of the Seventy-Two
33 	Luke 10:21-10:24	Jesus Rejoices in the Father's Will
33 	Matt 11:25-11:30]	Come to Me, and I Will Give You Rest
33 	Luke 10:25-10:37	The Parable of the Good Samaritan
33 	Luke 10:38-10:42]	Martha and Mary
33 	Luke 11:1-11:13		The Lord's Prayer
Page 178:
33   	Luke 11:14-11:23	Jesus and Beelzebul
33 	Luke 11:24-11:26	Return of an Unclean Spirit
33 	Luke 11:27-11:28	True Blessedness
33 	Luke 11:29-11:32	The Sign of Jonah
33 	Luke 11:33-11:36	No One Hides a Lamp
33 	Luke 11:37-11:54]	Woes to the Pharisees and Lawyers
33 	Luke 12:1-12:3		Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees
33 	Luke 12:4-12:7		Have no Fear
33 	Luke 12:8-12:12		Acknowledge Christ Before Men
33 	Luke 12:13-12:21	The Parable of the Rich Fool
33  	Luke 12:22-12:34	Do Not Be Anxious
33 	Luke 12:35-12:48	You Must Be Ready
33   	Luke 12:49-12:53	Not Peace, but Division
33 	Luke 12:54-12:56	Interpreting the Time
33 	Luke 12:57-12:59]	Settle with Your Accuser
33 	Luke 13:1-13:5		Repent or Perish
33 	Luke 13:6-13:9		The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree
Page 179:
33 	Luke 13:10-13:17	A Woman with a Disabling Spirit
33 	Luke 13:18-13:21	The Mustard Seed and the Leaven
33   	Luke 13:22-13:30	The Narrow Door
33 	Luke 13:31-13:35]	Lament over Jerusalem
33 	Luke 14:1-14:6		Healing of a Man on the Sabbath
33   	Luke 14:7-14:11		The Parable of the Wedding Feast
33 	Luke 14:12-14:24	The Parable of the Great Banquet
33 	Luke 14:25-14:33	The Cost of Discipleship
33 	Luke 14:34-14:35]	Salt Without Taste is Worthless
33 	Luke 15:1-15:7		The Parable of the Lost Sheep
33 	Luke 15:8-15:10		The Parable of the Lost Coin
33 	Luke 15:11-15:32]	The Parable of the Prodigal Son
33 	Luke 16:1-16:13		The Parable of the Dishonest Manager
33 	Luke 16:14-16:17	The Law and the Kingdom of God
Page 180:
33 	Luke 16:18		Divorce and Remarriage
33 	Matt 19:3-19:12		Teaching About Divorce
33 	Mark 10:2-10:12		Teaching About Divorce
33 	Luke 16:19-16:31]	The Rich Man and Lazarus
33 	Luke 17:1-17:4		Temptations to Sin
33 	Luke 17:5-17:6		Increase our Faith
33 	Luke 17:7-17:10		Unworthy Servants
33 	Luke 17:11-17:19	Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers
33 	Luke 17:20-17:37]	The Coming of the Kingdom
33 	Luke 18:1-18:8		The Parable of the Persistent Widow
33 	Luke 18:9-18:14		The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
33 	Mark 10:13-10:16	Let the Children Come to Me
33 	Matt 19:13-19:15	Let the Children Come to Me
33 	Luke 18:15-18:17	Let the Children Come to Me
33 	Luke 18:18-18:30	The Rich Young Man
33 	Mark 10:17-10:31	The Rich Young Man
33 	Matt 19:16-19:30]	The Rich Young Man
33 	Matt 20:1-20:16		Laborers in the Vineyard
Page 181:
33 	Luke 18:31-18:34	Jesus Foretells His Death a Third Time
33 	Mark 10:32-10:34	Jesus Foretells His Death a Third Time
33 	Matt 20:17-20:19	Jesus Foretells His Death a Third Time
33 	Mark 10:35-10:45	The Request of James and John
33 	Matt 20:20-20:28	The Request of James and John
33 	Mark 10:46-10:52]	Jesus Heals a Blind Bartimaeus
33 	Luke 18:35-18:43]	Jesus Heals a Blind Bartimaeus
33 	Luke 19:1-19:10		Jesus and Zacchaeus
33 	Luke 19:11-19:28	The Parable of the Ten Minas
33 	Matt 20:29-20:34]	Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
33 	John 11:1-11:16		The Death of Lazarus
33 	John 11:17-11:44	I Am the Resurrection and the Life
33 	John 11:45-11:53	The Plot to Kill Jesus
33 	John 11:54		Jesus Stays at Ephraim
33 	John 11:55-11:57]	The Passover Is at Hand
Page 182:
33 	John 12:12-12:19	The Triumphal Entry
33 	Luke 19:29-19:44	The Triumphal Entry
33 	Matt 21:1-21:11		The Triumphal Entry
33 	Mark 11:1-11:11		The Triumphal Entry
33 	John 12:1-12:8		Mary Anoints Jesus at Bethany
33 	Mark 14:3-14:9		Mary Anoints Jesus at Bethany
33 	Matt 26:6-26:13		Mary Anoints Jesus at Bethany
33 	Mark 14:10-14:11	Judas to Betray Jesus
33 	Matt 26:14-26:16	Judas to Betray Jesus
33 	John 12:9-12:11		The Plot to Kill Lazarus
33 	Mark 11:12-11:14	Jesus Curses the Fig Tree
33 	Matt 21:18-21:19	Jesus Curses the Fig Tree
33 	Luke 19:45-19:46	Jesus Cleanses the Temple
33 	Mark 11:15-11:19	Jesus Cleanses the Temple
33 	Matt 21:12-21:17	Jesus Cleanses the Temple
33 	Mark 11:20-11:25	The Fig Tree Withers
33 	Matt 21:20-21:22	The Fig Tree Withers
33  	Luke 19:47-19:48]	Teaching in the Temple
33 	Mark 11:27-11:33]	The Authority of Jesus Challenged
33 	Matt 21:23-21:27	The Authority of Jesus Challenged
33 	Luke 20:1-20:8		The Authority of Jesus Challenged
Page 183:
33 	Matt 21:28-21:32	The Parable of the Two Sons
33 	Luke 20:9-20:19		The Parable of the Wicked Tenants
33 	Matt 21:33-21:46]	The Parable of the Wicked Tenants
33 	Mark 12:1-12:12		The Parable of the Wicked Tenants
33 	Matt 22:1-22:14		The Parable of the Wedding Feast
33 	Matt 22:15-22:22	Paying Taxes to Caesar
33 	Mark 12:13-12:17	Paying Taxes to Caesar
33 	Luke 20:20-20:26	Paying Taxes to Caesar
33 	Luke 20:27-20:40	Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection
33 	Matt 22:23-22:33	Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection
33 	Mark 12:18-12:27	Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection
33 	Matt 22:34-22:40	The Great Commandment
33 	Mark 12:28-12:34	The Great Commandment
33 	Luke 20:41-20:44	Whose Son Is the Christ?
33 	Matt 22:41-22:46]	Whose Son Is the Christ?
33 	Mark 12:35-12:37	Whose Son Is the Christ?
Page 184:
33 	Luke 20:45-20:47]	Beware of the Scribes
33 	Mark 12:38-12:40	Beware of the Scribes 
33 	Matt 23:1-23:36		Seven Woes to the Scribes and Pharisees
33 	Matt 23:37-23:39]	Lament over Jerusalem
33 	Mark 12:41-12:44]	The Widow's Offering
33 	Luke 21:1-21:4		The Widow's Offering
33 	Mark 13:1-13:2		Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple
33 	Luke 21:5-21:6		Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple
33 	Matt 24:1-24:2		Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple
33 	Mark 13:3-13:8		Signs of the Close of the Age
33 	Matt 24:3-24:8		Signs of the Close of the Age
33 	Luke 21:7-21:11		Signs of the Close of the Age
33 	Luke 21:12-21:19	Jesus Foretells Upcoming Persecution
33 	Mark 13:9-13:13		Jesus Foretells Upcoming Persecution
33 	Luke 21:20-21:24	Jesus Foretells Destruction of Jerusalem
33 	Matt 24:9-24:14		Jesus Foretells Later Persecution
33 	Mark 13:14-13:23	The Abomination of Desolation
33 	Matt 24:15-24:28	The Abomination of Desolation
Page 185:
33 	Mark 13:24-13:27	The Coming of the Son of Man
33 	Matt 24:29-24:31	The Coming of the Son of Man
33 	Luke 21:25-21:28	The Coming of the Son of Man
33 	Mark 13:28-13:31	The Lesson of the Fig Tree
33 	Luke 21:29-21:33	The Lesson of the Fig Tree
33 	Matt 24:32-24:35	The Lesson of the Fig Tree
33 	Mark 13:32-13:37]	No One Knows That Day or Hour
33 	Matt 24:36-24:51]	No One Knows That Day and Hour
33 	Luke 21:34-21:36	Watch Yourselves
33 	Matt 25:1-25:13		The Parable of the Ten Virgins
33 	Matt 25:14-25:30	The Parable of the Talents
33 	Matt 25:31-25:46]	The Final Judgment
33 	Matt 26:1-26:5		The Plot to Kill Jesus
33 	Mark 14:1-14:2		The Plot to Kill Jesus
33 	Luke 22:1-22:2		The Plot to Kill Jesus
33 	Luke 21:37-21:38]	Jesus Teaching in the Temple
33 	Luke 22:3-22:6		Judas to Betray Jesus
33 	John 12:20-12:26	Some Greeks Seek Jesus
33 	John 12:27-12:36	The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up
33 	John 12:37-12:43	The Unbelief of the People
33 	John 12:44-12:50]	Jesus Came to Save the World
33 	John 13:1		
Page 186:
33 	Matt 26:17-26:20	The Passover with the Disciples
33 	Mark 14:12-14:17	The Passover with the Disciples
33 	Luke 22:7-22:16		The Passover with the Disciples
33 	Matt 26:27-26:29	Jesus Shares the Cup
33 	Mark 14:23-14:25	Jesus Shares the Cup
33 	Luke 22:17-22:18	Jesus Shares the Cup
33 	John 13:2-13:20		Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
33 	Mark 14:22		Jesus Breaks the Bread
33 	Matt 26:26		Jesus Breaks the Bread
33 	Luke 22:19		Jesus Breaks the Bread
33 	Matt 26:21-26:25	One of You Will Betray Me
33 	Mark 14:18-14:21	One of You Will Betray Me
33 	Luke 22:21-22:23	One of You Will Betray Me
33 	John 13:21-13:30	One of You Will Betray Me
33 	John 13:31-13:35	A New Commandment
33 	Luke 22:20		The Final Cup of the Seder
33 	Luke 22:24-22:30	Who is the Greatest? Part 2
33 	Luke 22:35-22:39	Scripture Must Be Fulfilled in Jesus
33 	Matt 26:30-26:35	Jesus Foretells Peter's Denial
33 	Mark 14:26-14:31	Jesus Foretells Peter's Denial
33 	John 13:36-13:38]	Jesus Foretells Peter's Denial
33 	Luke 22:31-22:34	Jesus Foretells Peter's Denial
Page 187:
33 	John 14:1-14:14		I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life
33 	John 14:15-14:31]	Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
33  	John 15:1-15:17		I Am the True Vine
33 	John 15:18-16:15	The Hatred of the World
33 	John 16:16-16:24	Your Sorrow Will Turn into Joy
33 	John 16:25-16:33]	I Have Overcome the World
33 	John 17:1-17:26]	The High Priestly Prayer
33 	John 18:1-18:3		Jesus Arrives at Gethsemane
Page 188:
33 	Matt 26:36-26:41	Jesus Prays in Gethsemane
33 	Mark 14:32-14:38	Jesus Prays in Gethsemane
33 	Luke 22:40-22:46	Jesus Prays in Gethsemane
33 	Matt 26:42-26:46	Jesus Prays Again in Gethsemane
33 	Mark 14:39-14:42	Jesus Prays Again in Gethsemane
33 	Matt 26:47-26:50a	Betrayal of Jesus
33 	Mark 14:43-14:45	Betrayal of Jesus
33 	Luke 22:47-22:49	Betrayal of Jesus
33 	John 18:4-18:9 		Jesus Speaks to the Soldiers
33 	Mark 14:46-14:49	Arrest of Jesus
33 	Luke 22:50-22:53	Arrest of Jesus
33 	John 18:10-18:11	Arrest of Jesus
33 	Matt 26:50b-26:56	Arrest of Jesus
33 	Mark 14:50-14:52	A Young Man Flees
33 	John 18:12-18:14	Jesus Faces Annas
33 	Luke 22:54		Jesus Faces Annas
33 	John 18:15-18:18	Jesus Faces Annas
33 	Luke 22:55-22:57	Peter Denies Jesus
33 	Matt 26:69-26:70	Peter Denies Jesus
33 	Mark 14:66-14:68	Peter Denies Jesus
33 	John 18:19-18:24	Annas Questions Jesus
33 	Matt 26:71-26:72	Peter Denies Jesus Again
33 	Mark 14:69-14:70a	Peter Denies Jesus Again
33 	Luke 22:58		Peter Denies Jesus Again
33 	John 18:25		Peter Denies Jesus Again
33 	Matt 26:57-26:68	Jesus Before Caiaphas and the Council
33 	Mark 14:53-14:65	Jesus Before Caiaphas and the Council
33 	Luke 22:63-22:65	Jesus Before Caiaphas and the Council
33 	Matt 26:73-26:75]	Peter Denies Jesus a Third Time
33   	Mark 14:70b-14:72]	Peter Denies Jesus a Third Time
33 	Luke 22:59-22:62	Peter Denies Jesus a Third Time
33 	John 18:26-18:27	Peter Denies Jesus a Third Time
Page 189:
33 	Luke 22:66-23:1		Jesus Delivered to Pilate
33 	Matt 27:1-27:2		Jesus Delivered to Pilate
33 	Mark 15:1		Jesus Delivered to Pilate
33 	John 18:28-18:32	Jesus Delivered to Pilate
33 	Matt 27:3-27:10		Judas Hangs Himself
33 	Luke 23:2-23:3		Jesus Before Pilate
33 	Mark 15:2-15:5		Jesus Before Pilate
33 	Matt 27:11-27:14	Jesus Before Pilate
33 	John 18:33-18:38	My Kingdom Is Not of This World
33 	Luke 23:4-23:5		Pilate Returns
33 	Luke 23:6-23:12		Jesus Before Herod
33 	Luke 23:13-23:16	Pilate speaks to Priests and Rulers
33 	John 19:1-19:3		Jesus Is Struck and Mocked
33 	Mark 15:16-15:19	Jesus Is Struck and Mocked
33 	Matt 27:27-27:30	Jesus Is Struck and Mocked
33 	John 19:4-19:15		Pilate Speaks to the Crowd
33 	Matt 27:15-27:21	The Crowd Chooses Barabbas
33 	Mark 15:6-15:11		The Crowd Chooses Barabbas
33 	John 18:39-18:40]	The Crowd Chooses Barabbas
33 	Luke 23:18-23:19	The Crowd Chooses Barabbas
33 	Matt 27:22		Pilate Asks Again
33 	Luke 23:20-23:21	Pilate Asks Again
33 	Mark 15:12-15:13	Pilate Asks Again
33 	Luke 23:22		Pilate Asks Why?
33 	Matt 27:23		Pilate Asks Why?
33 	Mark 15:14		Pilate Asks Why?
33 	Luke 23:23-23:24	Pilate Gives in
33 	Matt 27:24-27:25	
33 	Mark 15:15		Pilate Delivers Jesus to Be Crucified
33 	Luke 23:25		Pilate Delivers Jesus to Be Crucified
33 	Matt 27:26		Pilate Delivers Jesus to Be Crucified
33 	John 19:16-19:17	Pilate Delivers Jesus to Be Crucified
Page 190:
33 	Mark 15:20-15:21	Simon of Cyrene
33 	Matt 27:31-27:32	Simon of Cyrene
33 	Luke 23:26		Simon of Cyrene
33 	Luke 23:27-23:32	Jesus Addresses the Women
33 	Matt 27:33-27:34	Jesus Arrives at Golgotha
33 	Mark 15:22-15:23	Jesus Arrives at Golgotha
33 	Luke 23:33		Jesus Crucified
33 	John 19:18		Jesus Crucified
33 	Matt 27:38		Jesus Crucified
33 	Mark 15:27		Jesus Crucified
33 	Luke 23:34		Jesus' Clothes Divided
33 	Mark 15:24-15:25	Jesus' Clothes Divided
33 	Matt 27:35-27:36	Jesus' Clothes Divided
33 	John 19:23-19:27	Jesus' Clothes Divided
33 	Mark 15:26		The Inscription
33 	Luke 23:38		The Inscription
33 	Matt 27:37		The Inscription
33 	John 19:19		The Inscription
33 	John 19:20-19:22	The Chief Priests Complain
33 	Mark 15:29-15:30	Jesus Derided by Passerbys
33 	Matt 27:39-27:40	Jesus Derided by Passerbys
33 	Matt 27:41-27:43	Jesus Derided by Rulers
33 	Luke 23:35		Jesus Derided by Rulers
33 	Mark 15:31-15:32	Jesus Derided by Rulers
33 	Matt 27:44		Jesus Derided by Robbers
33 	Luke 23:39-23:43	Jesus Derided by Robbers
33 	Luke 23:36-23:37	Jesus Derided by Soldiers
33 	Matt 27:45-27:50	The Death of Jesus
33 	Mark 15:33-15:37	The Death of Jesus
33 	Luke 23:44-23:46	The Death of Jesus
33 	John 19:28-19:30	The Death of Jesus
33 	Matt 27:51-27:56	Afterwards
33 	Mark 15:38-15:41	Afterwards
33 	Luke 23:47-23:49	Afterwards
33 	John 19:31-19:37	Jesus' Side Is Pierced
33 	Matt 27:57-27:61	Jesus Is Buried
33 	Mark 15:42-15:47]	Jesus Is Buried
33 	Luke 23:50-23:56]	Jesus Is Buried
33 	John 19:38-19:42]	Jesus Is Buried
33 	Matt 27:62-27:66]	The Guard at the Tomb
Page 191:
33 	Matt 28:1-28:8		The Resurrection
33 	Mark 16:1-16:8		The Resurrection
33 	Luke 24:1-24:12		The Resurrection
33 	John 20:1-20:10		The Resurrection
33 	John 20:11-20:18	Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
33 	Mark 16:9-16:11		* Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
33 	Mark 16:12-16:13	* Jesus Appears to Two Disciples
33 	Luke 24:13-24:35	On the Road to Emmaus
33 	Luke 24:36-24:49	Jesus Appears to His Disciples
33 	John 20:19-20:23	Jesus Appears to His Disciples
33 	John 20:24-20:29	Jesus Appears Again
33 	Matt 28:9-28:10		Jesus Appears Again
33 	Matt 28:11-28:15	The Report of the Guard
33 	Matt 28:16-28:20]]	The Great Commission
33 	Mark 16:14-16:18	* The Great Commission
33 	John 21:1-21:14		Jesus Appears by the Sea of Tiberias
33 	John 21:15-21:19	Jesus and Peter
33 	John 21:20-21:25]]	Jesus and the Beloved Apostle
33 	John 20:30-20:31]	The Purpose of This Book
33 	Mark 16:19-16:20]]	* The Ascension
33 	Luke 24:50-24:53]]	The Ascension
Page 192:
33 	Acts 1:1-1:5		The Promise of the Holy Spirit
33 	Acts 1:6-1:11		The Ascension
33 	Acts 1:12-1:14		Disciples Return
33 	Acts 1:15-1:26]		Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas
33 	Acts 2:1-2:13		The Coming of the Holy Spirit
33 	Acts 2:14-2:41		Peter's Sermon at Pentecost
33 	Acts 2:42-2:47]		The Fellowship of the Believers
33 	Acts 3:1-3:10		The Lame Beggar Healed
33 	Acts 3:11-3:26]		Peter Speaks in Solomon's Portico
33 	Acts 4:1-4:4		Peter and John Arrested
33 	Acts 4:5-4:22		Peter and John Before the Council
33 	Acts 4:23-4:31		The Believers Pray for Boldness
33 	Acts 4:32-4:37]		They Had Everything in Common
33 	Acts 5:1-5:11		Ananias and Sapphira
33 	Acts 5:12-5:16		Many Signs and Wonders Done
Page 193:
33 	Acts 5:17-5:42]		The Apostles Arrested and Freed
34 	Acts 6:1-6:7		Seven Chosen to Serve
34 	Acts 6:8-6:15]		Stephen is Seized
34 	Acts 7:1-7:53		Stephen's Speech
34 	Acts 7:54-7:60]		The Stoning of Stephen
34 	Acts 8:1-8:3		Saul Ravages the Church
34 	Acts 8:4-8:8		Philip Proclaims Christ is Samaria
34 	Acts 8:9-8:25		Simon the Magician Believes
34 	Acts 8:26-8:40		Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
34 	Acts 9:1-9:19		The Conversion of Saul
34 	Acts 9:20-9:22		Saul Proclaims Jesus in Synagogues
37 	Acts 9:23-9:25		Saul Escapes from Damascus
37 	Acts 9:26-9:30		Saul in Jerusalem
  	Acts 9:31-9:35		The Healing of Aeneas
  	Acts 9:36-9:43]		Dorcas Restored to Life
Page 194:
?	James 			James
  	Acts 10:1-10:8		Peter and Cornelius
  	Acts 10:9-10:33		Peter's Vision
  	Acts 10:34-10:43	Gentiles Hear the Good News
  	Acts 10:44-10:48]	The Holy Spirit Falls on the Gentiles
  	Acts 11:1-11:18		Peter Reports to the Church
Page 195:
  	Acts 11:19-11:21	The Church in Antioch
43 	Acts 11:22-11:24	Barnabas Sent to Antioch
43 	Acts 11:25-11:36	Barnabas Brings Saul to Antioch
44 	Acts 11:27-11:30]	Famine and Relief
44 	Acts 12:1-12:5		James Killed and Peter Imprisioned
44 	Acts 12:6-12:19		Peter is Rescued
44 	Acts 12:20-12:24	The Death of Herod
44 	Acts 12:25]		Barnabas and Saul Return
45? 	Acts 13:1-13:3		Barnabas and Saul Sent Off
  	Acts 13:4-13:12		Barnabas and Saul on Cyprus
  	Acts 13:13-13:52]	Paul and Barnabas at Antioch in Pisidia
  	Acts 14:1-14:7		Paul and Barnabas at Iconium
  	Acts 14:8-14:18		Paul and Barnabas at Lystra
  	Acts 14:19-14:23	Paul Stoned at Lystra
Page 196:
47 	Acts 14:24-14:28]	Paul and Barnabas Return.  Galatians
  	Galatians		Galatians
Page 197:
48? 	Acts 15:1-15:21		The Jerusalem Council.  1 Thessalonians
48? 	Acts 15:22-15:35	The Council's Letter to Gentile Believers
  	Acts 15:36-15:41]	Paul and Barnabas Separate
  	Acts 16:1-16:5		Timothy Joins Paul and Silas
  	Acts 16:6-16:10		The Macedonian Call
  	Acts 16:11-16:15	The Conversion of Lydia
49 	Acts 16:16-16:24	Paul and Silas in Prison
49 	Acts 16:25-16:40]	The Phillippian Jailer Converted
49 	Acts 17:1-17:9		Paul and Silas in Thessalonica
49 	Acts 17:10-17:15	Paul and Silas in Berea
49 	Acts 17:16-17:21	Paul in Athens
49 	Acts 17:22-17:34]	Paul Addresses the Areopagus
49 	Acts 18:1-18:11		Paul in Corinth
  	1 Thessalonians		1 Thessalonians
Page 198:
  	2 Thessalonians		2 Thessalonians
51 	Acts 18:12-18:17	Paul Before Gallio
51 	Acts 18:18-18:21	Paul Leaves Corinth
51 	Acts 18:22-18:23	Paul Returns to Antioch
  	Acts 18:24-18:28]	Apollos Speaks Boldly in Ephesus
52 	Acts 19:1-19:7		Paul in Ephesus
  	Acts 19:8-19:10		Paul Stays in Ephesus
  	Acts 19:11-19:20	The Sons of Sceva
Page 199:
55 	Acts 19:21-19:22	Paul Makes Travel Plans.  1 Corinthians
  	1 Corinthians 1-7	1 Corinthians
Page 200:
  	1 Corinthians 8-11	
Page 201:
  	1 Corinthians 12-16	
Page 202:
55 	Acts 19:23-19:41]	A Riot in Ephesus.  2 Corinthians
55 	Acts 20:1		Paul in Macedonia
  	2 Corinthians 1-7	2 Corinthians
Page 203:
  	2 Corinthians 8-13	
Page 204:
  	Acts 20:2		Paul in Greece.  Romans
  	Romans 1-6		Romans
Page 205:
  	Romans 7-11		
Page 206:
  	Romans 12-16		
Page 207:
  	Acts 20:3-20:6		Paul in Asia Minor
57 	Acts 20:7-20:16		Eutychus Raised from the Dead
57 	Acts 20:17-20:38]	Paul Speaks to the Ephesian Elders
57 	Acts 21:1-21:16		Paul Goes to Jerusalem
57 	Acts 21:17-21:26	Paul Visits James
57 	Acts 21:27-21:36	Paul Arrested in the Temple
57 	Acts 21:37-22:21]	Paul Speaks to the People
57 	Acts 22:22-22:29	Paul and the Roman Tribune
57 	Acts 22:30-23:11	Paul Before the Council
57 	Acts 23:12-23:22	A Plot to Kill Paul
57 	Acts 23:23-23:35]	Paul Sent to Felix the Governor
57 	Acts 24:1-24:21		Paul Before Felix at Caesarea
57 	Acts 24:22-24:26	Paul Kept in Custody
Page 208:
59 	Acts 24:27-25:12	Paul Appeals to Caesar
59 	Acts 25:13-25:27]	Paul Before Agrippa and Bernice
59 	Acts 26:1-26:11		Paul's Defense Before Agrippa
59 	Acts 26:12-26:32]	Paul Tells of His Conversion
59 	Acts 27:1-27:12		Paul Sails for Rome
59 	Acts 27:13-27:38	The Storm at Sea
59 	Acts 27:39-27:44]	The Shipwreck
59 	Acts 28:1-28:10		Paul on Malta
Page 209:
60  	Acts 28:11-28:16	Paul Arrives at Rome.  Philippians
62 	Acts 28:17-28:31]	Paul in Rome.
62 	Philippians		Philippians
Page 210:
  	Ephesians		Ephesians
Page 211:
  	Colossians		Colossians and Philemon
  	Philemon		Philemon
Page 212:
  	1 Peter			1 Peter
Page 213:
  	1 Timothy		1 Timothy and Titus
 	Titus 			Titus
Page 214:
  	2 Peter			2 Peter and 2 Timothy
  	2 Timothy		2 Timothy
Page 215:
  	Hebrews 1-8		Hebrews
Page 216:
  	Hebrews 9-13		
Page 217:
  	1 John			1,2,3 John and Jude
  	2 John			2 John
  	3 John			3 John
Page 218:
  	Revelation 1-7		Revelation
Page 219:
  	Revelation 8-14		
Page 220:
  	Revelation 15-22	


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